Croatian army cadets receive first officer ranks: an important recognition and a turning point in their careers

With a ceremonial ceremony in the "Petar Zrinski" barracks in Zagreb, 65 cadets of the 17th and 18th generation received their first officer ranks, marking the beginning of new careers within the Croatian Army. This moment marks the culmination of many years of schooling and preparation for responsible military duties.

Croatian army cadets receive first officer ranks: an important recognition and a turning point in their careers
Photo by: MORH/ F. Klen/ hr

In the barracks "Petar Zrinski" in Zagreb, on August 28, 2024, a ceremony was held during which the cadets of the Croatian Military Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" were awarded their first officer ranks. This event marked the beginning of military careers for 65 cadets of the 17th and 18th generations, who successfully completed the programs of Military Engineering, Military Leadership and Management, and Military Maritime Studies.

In addition to the officer rank, the cadets were awarded officer daggers, decisions on joining active military service, and assignments to units of the Croatian Armed Forces. Thus, the cadets formally became new officers of the Croatian Army, taking on the responsibility for protecting national interests and security.

Historical significance of the moment
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Ivan Anušić, addressing the young officers, emphasized the historical significance of the moment they found themselves in. Comparing them to Croatian soldiers from the Homeland War, the minister stressed that they are the guarantee that Croatia will never again have to enter wars to defend its freedom. He emphasized that the military profession is more than just a job, that it is an honor and responsibility that requires complete dedication and a high level of morality.

He especially thanked the families and friends of the cadets for the support they provide, emphasizing the importance of emotional and moral support in the lives of soldiers.

Sacrifice and pride in military service
Lieutenant General Tihomir Kundid spoke about the great responsibility that comes with the officer rank, emphasizing that it is not just a formality, but a symbol of the cadets' achievements through years of intense education and training. He noted that this moment marks the beginning of a new era in their careers, which will require continued learning, acquiring new knowledge, and developing practical skills needed to perform complex military tasks.

Furthermore, Lieutenant General Kundid emphasized that the key to success in military careers is strength of character, mental toughness, and determination, traits essential for every military leader.

Challenges in new duties
The commander of the Croatian Military Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman", Major General Slaven Zdilar, in his speech, emphasized that the awarding of the first officer rank is the culmination of years of effort and sacrifice. He noted that the cadets, despite numerous challenges during training, demonstrated their readiness and ability to take on the responsibilities that come with their new duties.

Major General Zdilar also emphasized the importance of preserving the values inherited from the heroes of the Homeland War, highlighting that the cadets, by choosing a military career, have chosen a path of honor, pride, and loyalty.

Perspectives of new officers
Lieutenant junior grade Luka Kirac, one of the newly promoted officers, expressed a sense of pride and fulfillment due to the received rank, stating that he eagerly awaits the first challenges in the unit. Similarly, Lieutenant Ivona Vidović, who completed the study of Military Leadership and Management, reacted. Vidović emphasized that the day of receiving the first officer rank is one of the most important moments in her life, and that she plans to use the knowledge and experiences of older colleagues in her new role as a platoon commander.

Lieutenant Martin Krešan also shared his excitement about the beginning of his officer career. He believes that during his education he acquired the necessary knowledge that will help him in fulfilling new duties, with a special emphasis on continuous improvement.

The importance of the international reputation of the Croatian Army
Minister Anušić emphasized that the Croatian Army is respected around the world, and members of the Croatian Army regularly receive praise for their work in international missions and operations. This reputation, according to the minister, is the result of the dedication and professionalism of all soldiers, from the lowest to the highest ranks.

In addition to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Ivan Anušić, the ceremony was attended by the Chief of the General Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Tihomir Kundid, and the commander of the Croatian Military Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman", Major General Slaven Zdilar. Among the attendees were also the President of the Republic of Croatia's Defense Advisor Ivica Olujić, representatives of the universities of Zagreb and Split, as well as the University of Defense and Security and other guests.

Czas utworzenia: 29 sierpnia, 2024
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