Croatian Air Force urgently transported a heart for transplantation

Croatian Air Force urgently transported a heart for transplantation from Zadar to Zagreb using a Black Hawk helicopter

A Black Hawk helicopter from the Croatian Air Force carried out an urgent transport of a heart for transplantation from Zadar to Dubrava University Hospital in Zagreb. This is the second such action this week, demonstrating the Croatian Air Force's key role in emergency medical operations

Croatian Air Force urgently transported a heart for transplantation from Zadar to Zagreb using a Black Hawk helicopter
Photo by: HRZ/ hr

The Croatian Air Force (HRZ) continues to provide crucial support to medical institutions in critical situations, with the latest example of this cooperation witnessed on September 7, 2024. In the afternoon, a Black Hawk UH-60M helicopter from the 194th Squadron of multipurpose helicopters of the HRZ took off from Zadar to Zagreb with a transplantation team and a heart intended for transplantation. This operation, which is already the second of its kind in the past week, represents yet another testament to the high readiness and efficiency of military aviation in emergency medical situations.

The mission began at the Lučko barracks, where the transplantation team with surgical equipment and specialized medical gear was boarded onto the helicopter. From there, they flew towards Zadar in the early afternoon, where the transplantation team took over the organ. The helicopter then safely transported the medical team and the heart to the Clinical Hospital Dubrava in Zagreb. The speed of response and professional coordination allowed the transplantation to be performed within an optimal timeframe, which is crucial for the successful outcome of such operations.

Quick response and coordination

According to the Minister of Defense, Mario Banožić, operations of this type require exceptional precision and alignment between the military and civilian sectors. He highlighted that modern technology, such as the Black Hawk UH-60M helicopter, enables quick and efficient interventions in situations where time is a critical factor. "Each such flight is an example of excellent cooperation between our armed forces and healthcare institutions, and our goal is always to ensure that help reaches where it is most needed, in the shortest possible time," said Banožić.

The Black Hawk helicopters used by the HRZ for such tasks are equipped with the latest technology, which not only allows for fast navigation and flight over long distances but also ensures the safe transport of sensitive medical equipment and human lives. Organ transplants, like this one, are extremely delicate operations where every second can decide the outcome. The HRZ crew has shown, as many times before, that their training and expertise are at the highest possible level.

Humanity and pride of the crew

The HRZ helicopter crew, after successfully completing the mission, expressed their satisfaction and pride at having once again had the opportunity to participate in such a humanitarian task. "Such missions always fill us with a special sense of pride. We know that our work can save a human life, and this motivates us to always give our best. When we fly with the medical team and organs for transplantation, we are aware of how important our task is," said one of the crew members after returning to the base.

After the completion of this mission, the helicopter landed at the helipad of the Clinical Hospital Dubrava in Zagreb at 8:07 PM. The medical team immediately proceeded to the operating rooms, where they continued with the heart transplantation. The joint efforts of the military and medical teams enabled yet another successful transplant that saved the patient's life.

This operation once again underscores the importance of having ready and well-coordinated teams in emergency medical situations. The Black Hawk helicopters and their crew continue to play a crucial role in saving lives across Croatia. It is always a great feeling to know that you have contributed to something that can change the course of someone's life.


Czas utworzenia: 09 września, 2024

AI Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš

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