Storm Wings thrilled 250,000 visitors at AirPower 24 in Austria and promoted Croatian aviation on the international stage

The Croatian Air Force's aerobatic team "Storm Wings" thrilled over 250,000 visitors at the AirPower 24 event in Austria, promoting Croatian military skills and aviation at the international airshow

Storm Wings thrilled 250,000 visitors at AirPower 24 in Austria and promoted Croatian aviation on the international stage
Photo by: HRZ/ hr

The aerobatic team of the Croatian Air Force "Wings of Storm" once again made a strong impression on the international stage, performing at the AirPower 24 event held in Zeltweg, Austria, on September 6 and 7, 2024. This prestigious air show, known as one of the largest in Europe, attracted an astonishing 250,000 spectators, who enthusiastically watched the top-notch aerobatic maneuvers of the Croatian team. Their performance included complex formations and elements available only to the most elite aerobatic groups, and the Pilatus PC-9M aircraft once again proved to be an excellent tool for demonstrating the flying skills of the "Wings of Storm."

The event brought together the highest military leadership, including Major General Michael Križanec, the commander of the Croatian Air Force, who highlighted the importance of the "Wings of Storm" as a symbol of the Croatian Air Force on the global stage. The General emphasized that performances like this not only promote the skills and professionalism of the pilots but also represent Croatia in the best light at international aviation events. This was the seventh appearance of the "Wings of Storm" in Austria, and they were supported by a team of 11 technicians responsible for the aircraft's functionality and technical inspections during the event.

In addition to the "Wings of Storm" performance, AirPower 24 featured many other exciting aerobatic and flight displays this year. A special interest was stirred by the performance of the American fighter jet F-35A Lightning II, which, with its stealth capabilities and maneuvers, captivated the audience. Also, the Austrian military premiered a complex aerial display called "Argonauts," which included 25 aircraft in a synchronized performance, supported by special vehicles and soldiers on the ground. This remarkable display was designed as part of a narrative production based on a historical story and was accompanied by music performed by 140 military musicians.

The leader of the "Wings of Storm," Lieutenant Colonel Darko Belančić, expressed great satisfaction with the performance and highlighted the importance of participating in such international events. "This was another opportunity to show the world what the Croatian Air Force can do, as well as to promote the Republic of Croatia to a large number of visitors. We are proud to be part of such a large aviation family," said Belančić after the performance.

AirPower 24 also brought significant economic benefits to the Murtal region where it was held. According to estimates, the event generated over 9 million euros in value for the local economy, while accommodation capacities and hospitality facilities were booked weeks in advance. Local officials emphasized the importance of such events for tourism and regional promotion, as well as for creating new jobs. These figures clearly show how aviation events can be a key driver of local development and international promotion.

After the conclusion of AirPower 24, the "Wings of Storm" returned to Croatia and performed the traditional "Greetings to Zadar" on the Zadar waterfront, where they were enthusiastically welcomed by numerous citizens and tourists. This was the 256th performance of the "Wings of Storm," including their 67th international appearance, and each new outing on the international stage further cements their status as one of the best aerobatic teams in the world.

AirPower 24, under the motto "Flying. Freedom. Enthusiasm," once again demonstrated how aviation events attract great public interest while bringing innovations and excitement to the world of aviation. With a rich program, including premieres and spectacular displays such as the F-35A and other world-famous aircraft and teams, this air show remains one of the most important events for all aviation enthusiasts and for the regions that host it.

Czas utworzenia: 09 września, 2024
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