Third anniversary of the death of officer Alen Janeš commemorated in Delnice

An emotional ceremony was held at the City Cemetery in Delnice on October 14, 2024, to commemorate the third anniversary of the death of officer Alen Janeš, the first sergeant of the Special Forces Command. This anniversary symbolizes a remembrance of his courage and dedication, bringing together family, friends, and fellow soldiers in a moment of unity and respect

Third anniversary of the death of officer Alen Janeš commemorated in Delnice
Photo by: ZSS/ hr

At the City Cemetery in Delnice, on October 14, 2024, an emotional ceremony was held to commemorate the third anniversary of the death of the officer Alen Janeš, a prominent first sergeant of the Special Forces Command. This anniversary is not only a moment of remembrance for his existence but also an opportunity for the unity of all those who knew him and appreciated his dedication to the service of the homeland.

Gathered at the city cemetery, family members, friends, and colleagues paid tribute to Alen Janeš by laying flowers and lighting candles. Among the attendees were members of the special forces, led by commander Brigadier Ivan Miloš. In a solemn tone, military chaplain Don Željko Savić led the prayer, emphasizing the importance of remembering heroes like Janeš, who left a deep mark in the hearts of all who knew him.

The life and legacy of Alen Janeš

Alen Janeš was born in 1974 and began his military career on November 1, 1993, as a volunteer in the Homeland War. His dedication and courage quickly set him apart as a key member of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. Throughout his career, Janeš was engaged in various positions, where he gained invaluable experience and a reputation as a soldier of exceptional abilities.

After a series of military trainings and duties, in 2003 he became the Operational Sergeant in the Battalion for Special Operations. In 2014, with the establishment of the Special Forces Command, he was assigned to the position of Operational Sergeant in the new operational department, where he continued to contribute to the development and professionalization of Croatian special forces.

One of his key roles was serving as the first sergeant of the Special Forces Command, a position he took over on July 1, 2019. During his term, Janeš was known for his ability to motivate and inspire his comrades, and his leadership left a deep impact on all who worked with him.

Commemoration of the anniversary

In the afternoon hours, as part of the commemoration program, the veterans of the city of Delnice and members of the Special Forces Command planned to play a football match. This sporting activity symbolizes unity and friendship but also pays tribute to the officer Alen Janeš. It is expected that many of his colleagues, friends, and family will participate in this event, further emphasizing the importance of the community in preserving the memory of heroes like Alen Janeš.

In his unfortunately too short military career, Janeš left an indelible mark in the hearts of all who knew him. His dedication, courage, and expertise remain an inspiration for all future generations of soldiers, and his memories continue to be passed down through the stories and memories that live among his colleagues and friends.

The commemoration of the third anniversary of Alen Janeš's death serves as a reminder of the sacrifices that many soldiers have made in the service of their country. This occasion allows the community to gather, pay tribute, and continue to nurture the memory of the heroes who dedicated their lives to the protection and freedom of their homeland.

Czas utworzenia: 15 października, 2024
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