Wings of Storm thrills at AirPower 2024: Croatian team demonstrates top flight stunts in Zeltweg

The acrobatic group of the Croatian Air Force "Wings of the Storm" once again delighted the audience at the AirPower 2024 event in Zeltweg, Austria. They performed with six Pilatus PC-9M aircraft, demonstrating precise flight maneuvers in front of more than 300,000 visitors.

Wings of Storm thrills at AirPower 2024: Croatian team demonstrates top flight stunts in Zeltweg
Photo by: HRZ/ D. Vujević/ hr

The aerobatic team of the Croatian Air Force "Wings of Storm" is preparing for a spectacular performance at the "AirPower 2024" event, which will take place on September 6th and 7th, 2024, in Zeltweg, Austria. This prestigious event, known as one of the largest airshows in Europe, will attract numerous aviation teams and individuals from all over the world, and "Wings of Storm" will perform with six Pilatus PC-9M aircraft, showcasing their exceptional flying skills and aerobatics.

Special significance of AirPower event
Zeltweg, located in the heart of Styria, will host over 300,000 spectators who will enjoy extraordinary flying displays during the two-day event. Besides the event's attractiveness, "AirPower 2024" also brings significant economic benefits to the Murtal region, providing additional revenue of approximately nine million euros through tourism and hospitality services. This is confirmed by the fact that all accommodation capacities in the region are fully booked weeks before the event, and increased traffic is also felt in local hospitality establishments.

Wings of Storm – key attraction
Wings of Storm, one of the most renowned aerobatic teams in Europe, will once again impress the audience with their precise and dynamic performance. The team, composed of six top pilots from the 93rd Air Base in Zemunik, will showcase flying maneuvers on Pilatus PC-9M aircraft, including formation turns and aerial spins, flying within less than two meters apart at speeds of up to 550 km/h. These aircraft, with their turboprop engines, are ideal for aerobatic maneuvers, and their performance symbolizes the highest level of flying training and technical skill of the pilots.

Participation of numerous aviation teams
Alongside "Wings of Storm," other international aerobatic groups will participate in the event, such as the Swiss "Patrouille Suisse" with their F-5E Tiger aircraft and the Spanish "Patrulla Aguila," which will perform their famous aerobatics with CASA C-101 aircraft. Additional attraction will be the historic aircraft "Flying Bulls" with classic models of P-51 Mustang and B-25 Mitchell, which will evoke memories of the golden age of aviation. For modern aircraft enthusiasts, impressive F-35 Lightning II and F-16 Fighting Falcon will be showcased in solo performances.

Technical support for top performance
Along with the pilots, 11 aviation technicians have traveled to Austria, whose task is to ensure the technical correctness of the aircraft and their readiness for the performance. Maintaining these complex aircraft requires a high degree of precision and expertise, especially considering that "Wings of Storm" is known for their intricate formations requiring flawless aircraft condition. Technicians will regularly check all aircraft systems before each flight, ensuring maximum safety and optimal performance.

History and significance of Wings of Storm
Since their first performance in 2004, "Wings of Storm" have become a recognizable aerobatic team with over 250 performances across Europe. Throughout their career, the team has participated in numerous international aviation events in more than 15 countries, including Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and France. Each performance presents a special challenge but also an opportunity to showcase Croatian aviation at the highest level, continuously strengthening Croatia's reputation on the international aviation scene.

In addition to their numerous technical and flying achievements, "Wings of Storm" symbolize the spirit of teamwork and precision, ranking them among the most esteemed aerobatic teams in the world. Their dedication and commitment to their performances are evident in every flight, and this year's performance at "AirPower 2024" will surely confirm their status among the best in the world of aerobatic flying.

Czas utworzenia: 04 września, 2024
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