Croatian Army firefighting planes participated in extinguishing 25 fires in coastal counties during the second phase of the 2024 firefighting season.

The Croatian Army Air Force was instrumental in extinguishing 25 fires in coastal counties from June to July 2024, also providing humanitarian assistance to North Macedonia.

Croatian Army firefighting planes participated in extinguishing 25 fires in coastal counties during the second phase of the 2024 firefighting season.
Photo by: MORH/ hr

The Croatian Army's Air Force actively participated in extinguishing 25 fires during the second phase of the fire-fighting season, which began on June 11 and lasted until July 22, 2024. Additionally, 11 fire-fighting reconnaissance missions were conducted in coastal counties.

Engagement by Counties
The highest number of fires was recorded in Split-Dalmatia County, where interventions occurred in 13 cases. In Zadar County, six interventions were recorded, while Šibenik-Knin, Istria, Lika-Senj, and Dubrovnik-Neretva counties had one intervention each.

Operational Data
During these activities, the air forces conducted 1009 flights, totaling 150 hours and 35 minutes of flight time. A total of 4,633 tons of water was dropped, 17 tons of cargo transported, and 1,321 liters of foam and 85,746 liters of fuel were consumed.

Broader Picture for 2024
So far in 2024, the Croatian Firefighting Association has received 57 requests for the engagement of air forces. Based on these requests, the air forces conducted 1284 flights, totaling 176 hours and 25 minutes of flight time, dropped 6,061 tons of water, transported 17 tons of cargo, and consumed 1,321 liters of foam and 101,494 liters of fuel.

Humanitarian Mission in North Macedonia
A Canadair CL-415 from the Fire-fighting Special Purpose Organized Forces of the Croatian Armed Forces participated in extinguishing fires in the Republic of North Macedonia from July 16 to 21, 2024. This humanitarian mission was organized based on the order of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Ivan Anušić.

Mission Statistics in North Macedonia
During the mission in North Macedonia, the air forces conducted 27 flight hours and dropped 615 tons of water. This action helped prevent the further spread of fires and protect the local population.

Preventive Measures and Future Plans
The Croatian Army continues with preventive measures and constant readiness for potential new fires. Along with equipment modernization and additional training, international cooperation is planned to enhance capabilities and efficiency in fighting fires.

Importance of Air Forces
The engagement of air forces demonstrates how crucial they are for effectively combating fires in hard-to-reach areas. Their quick response and ability to transport large quantities of water and cargo make them an indispensable part of firefighting efforts.

Cooperation with Firefighting Units
The Croatian Army's air forces closely cooperate with local firefighting units, which allows for better coordination and faster responses on the ground. This cooperation is key to successful fire extinguishing and minimizing damage.

Plans for Future Activities
In the future, it is planned to further improve the technology and training of air forces to be even more effective in fighting fires. Options for acquiring new aircraft and equipment are also being considered.

Creation time: 23 lipca, 2024
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Jej zaangażowanie w czyni Teę Nagazić-Skoćiš kluczową dziennikarką dla czytelników zainteresowanych obronnością i bezpieczeństwem, dostarczającą im kompleksowych i pogłębionych analiz, które przyczyniają się do lepszego zrozumienia zagadnień militarnych. Herbata nie tylko wzbogaca wiedzę swoich czytelników na temat strategii wojskowej, sprzętu i technologii, ale także szerzy świadomość znaczenia innowacji i postępu technologicznego dla utrzymania pokoju i bezpieczeństwa.