Brigadier Dražen Batrnek took over the command for training and doctrine "Fran Krsto Frankopan" in Osijek on August 6, 2024, ensuring continuity

Brigadier Dražen Batrnek took over the duties of the ZOD commander, a key training unit of the Croatian Army, thus ensuring the continuity and improvement of training. His experience and the support of his superiors will be crucial for further development and success in all challenges.

Brigadier Dražen Batrnek took over the command for training and doctrine "Fran Krsto Frankopan" in Osijek on August 6, 2024, ensuring continuity
Photo by: ZOD/ HKoV/ hr

Brigadier Dražen Batrnek assumed the position of Commander of the Training and Doctrine Command "Fran Krsto Frankopan" (ZOD) in Osijek on August 6, 2024. His appointment follows his service as Deputy Commander of ZOD, ensuring a smooth transition and continuity in the execution of all tasks within the main training unit of the Croatian Army. His assumption of duty is crucial for the stability and efficiency of this important military structure.

Ceremonial Handover of Duty
The handover ceremony took place in a formal setting with the presence of high-ranking military officials. During the ceremony, the Commander of the Croatian Army, Major General Blaž Beretin, congratulated Brigadier Batrnek on assuming his new responsible role. Beretin emphasized his full confidence in Batrnek's abilities, expertise, and leadership, which will be key in leading ZOD during challenging times. He highlighted the importance of ZOD within the Croatian Army and promised full support in overcoming future challenges.

Support and Expectations
General Beretin, a former commander of ZOD from 2012 to 2016, expressed confidence that under Brigadier Batrnek's leadership, the command will continue to successfully carry out all training and doctrinal tasks. As the superior commander, Beretin expects ZOD to maintain a high level of operational readiness and efficiency in all its activities. ZOD will have the full support of the Croatian Army, including the resources needed for training and human capacity development.

Vision and Plans
Brigadier Batrnek expressed gratitude for the trust shown by his superiors and affirmed his commitment to consistently executing his assigned tasks. He thanked all members of the command for their contributions and emphasized the importance of teamwork in achieving goals. In his address, Brigadier Batrnek stated his intention for ZOD to continue enhancing training programs through the integration of modern technologies and innovative methods, with the aim of increasing the unit's capabilities and readiness.

Importance of Continuity
The transition of Brigadier Batrnek from Deputy Commander to Commander ensures continuity in leading ZOD, which is crucial for the stability and consistency in the unit's work. His deep understanding of ZOD's structure and functioning allows him to effectively steer the unit towards achieving its set goals. This change ensures that ZOD remains on the path of continuous development and progress.

ZOD's Role in the Future
The Training and Doctrine Command "Fran Krsto Frankopan" plays a key role in strengthening and developing the operational capabilities of the Croatian Army. Under new leadership, ZOD will focus on improving training processes, adopting new doctrines, and adapting to contemporary security challenges. Brigadier Batrnek, with his experience and vision, plans to enhance the unit's capacities to be prepared for all future challenges.

Training Programs and Goals
One of the key priorities for ZOD under the new leadership will be the modernization of training programs and the enhancement of operational capability. The focus will be on implementing modern training methods and using advanced technologies to ensure that the army is ready to face new security threats. Brigadier Batrnek emphasizes the importance of continuous education and personnel development as the foundation for the command's success and efficiency.

Collaboration with Partners
Under new leadership, ZOD will continue to develop cooperation with domestic and international partners. Through joint exercises and experience exchanges, the command will enhance its operational capabilities and ensure a high degree of interoperability with partner armies. Cooperation with civilian institutions will also be crucial to ensuring community support and contributing to national security.

The appointment of Brigadier Dražen Batrnek as Commander of ZOD represents a significant step in ensuring the continuity and development of the unit. His experience and dedication will enable further progress in fulfilling the command's mission, while the full support of the Croatian Army will be key to achieving the set goals.

Czas utworzenia: 08 sierpnia, 2024
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