Minister Ivan Anusic at the conference on the contribution of veterans and the need to train young people for the modernization of the Croatian Army and national security

Minister of Defense Ivan Anusic emphasized the importance of modernization of the Croatian Army and training of young people at the conference of the Croatian General Assembly, emphasizing the role of defenders and the need for military readiness in modern security conditions.

Minister Ivan Anusic at the conference on the contribution of veterans and the need to train young people for the modernization of the Croatian Army and national security
Photo by: MORH/ F. Klen/ hr

Defense Minister Ivan Anušić participated in the conference of the Croatian Generals' Assembly titled "The Contribution of Veterans in the Defense of the Country and the Need for Training Young People." The conference was held on June 25, 2024, in Zagreb.

The conference is part of the thematic systemic support project by the National Foundation for Civil Society Development in the area of Active Veterans in Society. Participants discussed potential threats to national security, further development of the homeland security system, and the role of Croatian veterans in these processes.

Minister Anušić welcomed the organization of the conference, emphasizing the importance of the veterans' role in the Homeland War.

Achieved Freedom and Modernization of the Croatian Army
"We must continue to safeguard our achieved freedom through the modernization and equipping of the Croatian Army and training young people in basic military skills and abilities. This will contribute to their development and the protection of Croatian interests," the minister stated.

He spoke about the importance of conveying the truth about the Homeland War to younger generations and the role of veterans in creating the modern Croatian Army and state. "All of us who went through the Homeland War know the price of the freedom and security we enjoy today. It is our duty to continue to guard our freedom by deterrence and readiness so that no one considers pointing a gun at the Croatian state, our border, and the Croatian people," the minister emphasized.

Basic Military Training
One of the main topics of the conference was the reintroduction of mandatory military training. Minister Anušić pointed out that the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia are ready for basic military training and that models for its service have been developed.

"Given the current geopolitical and security situation in Croatia and the world, it is necessary to introduce changes and reintroduce basic military training. It is a training for young men that will enable them to acquire basic military skills and knowledge, preparing them for future challenges not only in a military sense but also in everyday life," said Minister Anušić.

The details of the basic military training will be communicated in a timely manner to political levels and the public. The minister also emphasized that financial resources will be secured through legal frameworks and government decisions to support those who will participate in military training.

Increase in Allowances for Voluntary Military Training
Minister Anušić also commented on the increase in allowances for voluntary military training, which now amounts to 900 euros per month. He mentioned civil service and conscientious objection, announcing that local and regional governments, Civil Protection, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Armed Forces will be involved in civil service.

Public Support
At the end of the conference, Minister Anušić emphasized that basic military training will help the Republic of Croatia deal with various security challenges and raise the level of security. "I hope that Croatian society will not be divided on this important issue and that we will realize that mandatory military service is in the interest of the Republic of Croatia and the entire Croatian people," the minister concluded.

Need for Military Readiness
Minister Anušić also emphasized the importance of military readiness in today's world. "At a time when geopolitical circumstances are changing incredibly quickly, our ability to be prepared for all challenges becomes crucial. Basic military training is not only a matter of defense but also a matter of national pride and readiness to defend our values and way of life," said Anušić.

Additionally, the minister pointed out that basic military training does not only mean training young men for war skills. "It is about a comprehensive approach to educating and training young generations for life's challenges. Military training includes the development of discipline, teamwork, responsibility, and the ability to make quick and effective decisions," he added.

Cooperation with International Partners
Minister Anušić also emphasized the importance of international cooperation in military training. "The Croatian Army actively cooperates with numerous international partners to ensure the highest level of training for our soldiers. Cooperation with NATO and other international organizations provides us access to the most modern methods and techniques of military training," he stated.

The conference was attended by representatives of other ministries, non-governmental organizations, and experts in the field of security and defense. Various aspects of military training were discussed, including new technologies used in modern warfare.

The Importance of Investing in Youth
Minister Anušić concluded his speech by emphasizing the importance of investing in young generations. "Our future depends on young people who are ready to take responsibility and defend our homeland. Basic military training is just one step in this process. We will continue to invest in the education and training of our young people to ensure a safe and prosperous future for all of us," he said.

Throughout the conference, the need for continuous work on strengthening military readiness and national security was emphasized. Participants agreed that basic military training is a key element in maintaining the stability and security of the Republic of Croatia.

Minister Anušić expressed his satisfaction with participating in such an important event and emphasized that the Ministry of Defense will continue to work on improving all aspects of military training and education. "Our obligation to future generations is to ensure that they have all the tools and knowledge needed to face the challenges ahead. Basic military training is just one part of that process, but an extremely important part," the minister concluded.

The conference concluded with an agreement on further steps and plans for the implementation of basic military training and continued cooperation between all relevant institutions and organizations involved in this important process.

Czas utworzenia: 25 czerwca, 2024
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Jej zaangażowanie w czyni Teę Nagazić-Skoćiš kluczową dziennikarką dla czytelników zainteresowanych obronnością i bezpieczeństwem, dostarczającą im kompleksowych i pogłębionych analiz, które przyczyniają się do lepszego zrozumienia zagadnień militarnych. Herbata nie tylko wzbogaca wiedzę swoich czytelników na temat strategii wojskowej, sprzętu i technologii, ale także szerzy świadomość znaczenia innowacji i postępu technologicznego dla utrzymania pokoju i bezpieczeństwa.