Powerful combat vehicles Bradley in the Croatian army: strengthening defense and NATO cooperation by 2026, refurbishment at Đuro Đaković ensures long-term sustainability, alongside additional military projects like UH-60M helicopters

The Croatian army begins modernization with 89 Bradley M2A2 combat vehicles, which will enhance the capabilities of ground forces. Refurbishment at Đuro Đaković ensures functionality until 2026

Powerful combat vehicles Bradley in the Croatian army: strengthening defense and NATO cooperation by 2026, refurbishment at Đuro Đaković ensures long-term sustainability, alongside additional military projects like UH-60M helicopters
Photo by: MORH/ G. Resovac/ morh.gov hr

The Croatian army continues with significant modernization of its military capabilities, including the arrival and integration of new Bradley M2A2 ODS infantry fighting vehicles. This ambitious project, valued at $196.4 million, aims to enhance Croatia's defense capabilities within NATO, while simultaneously strengthening strategic ties with American allies. The first 22 of a total of 89 ordered Bradley vehicles have already arrived in Croatia and are being housed at Đuro Đaković company for extensive refurbishment and modernization.

The refurbishment process itself includes detailed technical inspections, upgrades to weapon systems, and the implementation of new technologies that ensure maximum performance on the battlefield. Croatian and American experts carefully monitor each step to ensure the vehicles are ready for use by 2026. A significant portion of these vehicles will be deployed within the Croatian Ground Army, while a smaller part will be used for training, and the remaining vehicles will serve as spare parts.

Strategic significance of Bradley vehicles

Bradley vehicles, known for their reliability and firepower, are a key element in strengthening ground forces. Their integration into the units of the Guards Armored Mechanized Brigade Sokolovi will significantly improve operational capacities and provide the Croatian army with greater flexibility in domestic and international operations. By utilizing advanced technologies, these combat vehicles allow soldiers safer and more effective access to risky areas, making them an essential part of NATO's rapid response strategy.

In addition to all technical upgrades, Bradley vehicles are equipped with the latest fire control and night operation systems. During recent testing, the vehicles demonstrated exceptional adaptability in harsh conditions on the field, including live-fire exercises at the "Gašinci" training area. Croatian military experts, supported by American partners, closely monitored the vehicles' performance to ensure their operational readiness before delivery to end users in military units.

Economic and security contributions

The refurbishment of Bradley vehicles in Croatia also has broader economic significance, as this project is conducted in cooperation with Đuro Đaković, which will carry out all technical upgrades and repairs. This not only strengthens the domestic military industry but also creates new jobs in Slavonski Brod, contributing to regional development. The modernization of this kind enables Croatia to maintain a high degree of technological independence and military-technical expertise while simultaneously contributing to collective security within NATO.

By mid-2024, the completion of the first phase of refurbishment and the commissioning of a portion of the vehicles for operational use is expected, while the complete fleet of 89 vehicles will be finalized by the end of 2026. Equipping the Croatian army with these powerful combat systems positions the country as a reliable and capable ally within NATO, ready for future challenges and international missions.

Additional military projects

Alongside the procurement of Bradley vehicles, Croatia is working on additional military projects, including the acquisition of UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters, further strengthening strategic military cooperation between Croatia and the United States. These helicopters are expected to arrive by 2030, further enhancing the Croatian army's capabilities for rapid military operations and logistical support.

In conclusion, the integration of Bradley vehicles represents one of the most significant steps in the modernization of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia in recent years. This project enhances the army's capacity, enables better training and preparation for international missions, and contributes to the overall stability of the region.

Czas utworzenia: 11 października, 2024
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