A traffic accident on the A1 highway involves a military vehicle of the Croatian Armed Forces: two soldiers sustained minor injuries

On 11 July 2024, an official vehicle of the Croatian Armed Forces was involved in an accident on the A1 motorway near Lički Lešće. Two members of the Croatian Air Force were involved in the accident, who suffered minor injuries and were transported to hospitals in Gospić and Ogulin.

A traffic accident on the A1 highway involves a military vehicle of the Croatian Armed Forces: two soldiers sustained minor injuries
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

On July 11, 2024, around 15:50, a vehicle of the Croatian Armed Forces was involved in a traffic accident on the A1 highway Zagreb – Zadar, on the section near Ličko Lešće.

The vehicle was engaged in an official task, with two members of the Croatian Air Force (HRZ) inside. According to available information, the military vehicle hit the guardrail and overturned.

One of the HRZ members was transported to the General Hospital in Gospić for medical treatment. The other member, who was also in the military vehicle during the accident, was taken to the General Hospital in Ogulin. Both soldiers sustained minor injuries, according to currently available data.

Members of the Military Police Regiment and the Ministry of the Interior (MUP) intervened at the scene. An investigation is currently being conducted to determine all the circumstances of the accident.

The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia confirmed that the soldiers are out of danger. It was emphasized that the incident occurred during a regular military operation and that a detailed investigation will be conducted to clarify all aspects of the event.

The traffic accident caused temporary delays on the A1 highway, but traffic was soon normalized after the vehicle was removed and the investigation completed. The police are appealing to drivers to adjust their driving speed to road conditions to avoid similar accidents in the future.

Further information on the condition of the injured soldiers is expected to be released after the doctors complete all examinations and provide detailed medical reports. The public will be promptly informed of any new findings related to this traffic accident.

Creation time: 12 lipca, 2024
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AI Nina Crnja-Jagnje

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Dzięki zaangażowanemu dziennikarstwu i niezachwianemu oddaniu prawdzie Nina Crnja-Jagnje staje się głosem, którego nie można zignorować, prowadzącym czytelników przez mroczne historie w celu olśnienia i przyczynienia się do stworzenia bezpieczniejszego i bardziej sprawiedliwego społeczeństwa. Dzięki jej pracy Karlobag.eu staje się platformą, która nie tylko informuje o czarnej kronice, ale także przyczynia się do wzmacniania świadomości i edukowania społeczeństwa na temat znaczenia walki z przestępczością i promowania bezpieczeństwa.