Advanced swimming course for cadets on Lošinj was successfully completed by 57 participants with military kinesiologists and medical support, the eighth year of the course

The cadets of the 20th generation successfully completed an advanced swimming course in Mali Lošinj. The course was organized for cadets of the second year of schooling, and all 57 participants successfully mastered all training elements under the guidance of military kinesiologists.

Advanced swimming course for cadets on Lošinj was successfully completed by 57 participants with military kinesiologists and medical support, the eighth year of the course
Photo by: OSRH/ N. Brezovac/ hr

Cadets of the 20th generation have successfully completed the advanced swimming course during July and August, which took place in the aquatorium of the "Kovčanje" barracks on Mali Lošinj. The course was organized for cadets in their second year of schooling, and all 57 participants successfully mastered all the training elements, which enabled them to acquire the key skills necessary for their further military careers.

This is already the eighth consecutive year that this course has been conducted, and its annual implementation demonstrates the exceptional importance of training young cadets. Kinesiologists from the Croatian Military Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" led the entire course program, which was intensive and covered various aspects of swimming, diving, and rescue in water conditions.

Intensive cadet training
The daily training schedule lasted between five and six hours over a seven-day period and included a wide range of activities. The cadets began with an initial swimming knowledge test to determine their starting level. After that, the training focused on learning and perfecting various swimming techniques, including freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke.

In addition to classic swimming techniques, cadets perfected their breath-hold diving, with a mask and snorkel, which required special physical readiness and mental concentration. These skills are crucial for military tasks involving operations in water. Additionally, participants practiced jumping into the water from heights of up to three meters, which further tested their courage and technique under different conditions.

Preparation for real situations
One of the most challenging parts of the training was swimming in uniform and with weapons, simulating real conditions soldiers might face during operations. Furthermore, the training included drowning rescue and first aid, which is essential for survival and assistance in crisis situations. Rowing in a rubber-neoprene boat was an additional activity that required teamwork and coordination among the cadets.

Final testing and evaluation
The final testing included all the learned skills, and the cadets were evaluated based on their success in mastering the water obstacle course. This phase of training was crucial for assessing the capabilities of each cadet, and it involved not only instructors but also members of the military medical team who ensured the safety of all participants.

Positive participant reactions
The cadets expressed great satisfaction with the quality of the training and the opportunities provided during the course. They particularly emphasized how the location of the "Kovčanje" barracks is ideal for this type of training, as it provides all the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of the program. Their satisfaction was further highlighted by their thanks to Captain Siniša Đerić, as well as all members of the General Staff Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia and the personnel serving at the barracks who supported them during the course.

Holding such courses demonstrates the importance of continuously investing in the training and development of young soldiers, who will be the backbone of Croatia's defense in the future. This advanced swimming course is not just an opportunity to improve physical skills, but also to build team spirit, endurance, and determination, values essential for every soldier.

Czas utworzenia: 15 sierpnia, 2024
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