Increased interest in military calling: 181 young men and women start voluntary military training in Požega

The third cycle of voluntary military training began in Požega with a record turnout of young people. Improved working conditions and increased benefits further motivate young people for a military career.

Increased interest in military calling: 181 young men and women start voluntary military training in Požega
Photo by: MORH/ F. Klen/ hr

A total of 181 recruits have arrived at the barracks in Požega to begin Voluntary Military Training. This training, conducted as part of the Basic Military Training Battalion, is an integral part of the Infantry and Armor Training Center of the Croatian Army Training and Doctrine Command. The third cycle of this year began on August 14th and includes officer candidates, medical doctors, and aviation technician scholars. Training for these categories lasts until August 30th, while regular training began on August 19th and will last until October 11th, 2024.

In the regular Voluntary Military Training program, 154 recruits are participating, including 14 women, while 27 candidates, including nine women, are participating in the shortened program. This large turnout, the highest this year, further confirms the growing interest of young people in a military career in Croatia.

Improved conditions stimulate interest in the military
One of the key reasons for the increased interest in the military is improved working conditions and material rights within the Armed Forces. During this year, soldiers' salaries were increased by an average of 30 percent, while daily allowances for members of the Armed Forces abroad also rose by up to 30 percent. In addition, allowances for Voluntary Military Training have been increased from 700 to 900 euros per month. These changes have significantly influenced young people's decision to join the military ranks, offering them not only financial stability but also an opportunity for career development within the military system.

Impact of promotional campaigns
Promotional campaigns, such as the one held on June 15th in Osijek titled "Become a Croatian Soldier," also had a significant impact on the turnout of recruits. This promotion, organized by the Ministry of Defense and the Croatian Army, provided young people with the opportunity to see firsthand what a military career can offer. It included military demonstrations and showcases of the Croatian Army's capabilities, which further motivated some of the new recruits to apply for Voluntary Military Training.

Examples of young recruits' motivation
Among the enrolled candidates, examples like Dr. Milijana Danilović, a general surgery specialist, stand out, who expressed pride in participating in the training and a desire to implement the acquired knowledge in her medical career. Her example clearly shows how military training can be attractive even to professionals from other fields.

Sociologist Mateja Maleš decided to apply for the training due to her interest in military topics, which attracted her during her studies. Her goal is to serve her country honorably and develop a career within the military system. On the other hand, aviation technician Dominik Konestabo sees a military career as an opportunity to acquire new skills and experiences and advance in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia.

Preparation and course of training
The initial weeks of training are focused on adapting recruits to the military environment and introducing them to basic military skills. After the ceremonial oath, the training enters a more intensive phase that includes psychophysical preparation, preparatory shooting, and performing military tasks in real conditions. During these five weeks, the recruits will consolidate all the acquired knowledge and skills, preparing themselves for further challenges in their military careers.

The final part of the training includes evaluating each recruit's achievements, followed by a competition for the best recruit. This final phase allows recruits to showcase their acquired knowledge and skills and distinguish themselves as potential leaders within the military system.

Czas utworzenia: 20 sierpnia, 2024
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Oprócz skupienia się na HV, Tea uwzględnia także światowe trendy w przemyśle wojskowym, w tym rozwój i wdrażanie zaawansowanej broni, dronów, bezpieczeństwa cybernetycznego i innych technologii, które zmieniają sposób prowadzenia współczesnych konfliktów. Jej analizy sprzętu i broni wojskowej zapewniają głęboki wgląd w mocne i ograniczenia różnych systemów, podkreślając znaczenie innowacji technologicznych w utrzymaniu bezpieczeństwa narodowego i globalnego.

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Jej zaangażowanie w czyni Teę Nagazić-Skoćiš kluczową dziennikarką dla czytelników zainteresowanych obronnością i bezpieczeństwem, dostarczającą im kompleksowych i pogłębionych analiz, które przyczyniają się do lepszego zrozumienia zagadnień militarnych. Herbata nie tylko wzbogaca wiedzę swoich czytelników na temat strategii wojskowej, sprzętu i technologii, ale także szerzy świadomość znaczenia innowacji i postępu technologicznego dla utrzymania pokoju i bezpieczeństwa.