From the beginning of the week until the early morning hours of June 27, a music festival was held in the Jarun area, where police officers from the Zagreb Police Department actively worked to prevent all forms of unlawful behavior, with a special emphasis on finding and consuming drugs.
During interventions, in the evening and early morning hours from Monday, June 24, to Tuesday, June 25, the police found a total of 18 visitors aged between 21 and 56 who committed offenses. Among them were 13 men and five women. The following were found: two packets of amphetamines, one packet of cocaine, four packets of cannabis-type drugs, 18 joints, and two packets of MDMA drugs. Police officers issued a total of 17 offense notices according to Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Law on the Prevention of Drug Abuse. One person was brought to the competent Misdemeanor Court in Zagreb, where they were punished for the aforementioned offense and additionally according to Article 17 of the Law on Offenses against Public Order and Peace.
Interventions from Tuesday to Wednesday
In the evening and early morning hours from Tuesday, June 25, to Wednesday, June 26, the police found 25 visitors aged between 25 and 58 who committed offenses. Among them were 18 men and seven women. The following were found: two packets of amphetamines, four packets of cocaine, five packets of cannabis-type drugs, 20 joints, three MDMA tablets, and two lumps of hashish. Police officers issued 24 offense notices according to Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Law on the Prevention of Drug Abuse. One person was brought to the Misdemeanor Court in Zagreb and additionally sanctioned according to Article 17 of the Law on Offenses against Public Order and Peace.
Interventions from Wednesday to Thursday
In the evening and early morning hours from Wednesday, June 26, to Thursday, June 27, the police found 23 visitors aged between 21 and 49 who committed offenses. Among them were 18 men and five women. The following were found: 29 joints and one packet of MDMA drugs. Police officers issued 23 offense notices according to Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Law on the Prevention of Drug Abuse.
At the scene, police officers collected fines totaling around 21,000 euros.
Czas utworzenia: 28 czerwca, 2024
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