Wellbeing weekend on the water in Slunj: forest and sound baths, yoga, jazz concert and activities on the Korana River

On 29 and 30 June 2024, a Wellbeing weekend on the water is organized in Slunj. Visitors will enjoy forest and sound baths, yoga, a jazz music concert, and various activities on the Korana River.

Wellbeing weekend on the water in Slunj: forest and sound baths, yoga, jazz concert and activities on the Korana River
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Plitvice in miniature, as it has long been nicknamed, Rastoke, a picturesque part of Slunj, at the confluence of the Slunjčica into the Korana, stands out with its beautiful waterfalls and watermills, while the old wooden houses built above the rapids provide a unique sight, merging nature and tradition.

In Slunj, the watermill gem of Croatia, visitors can enjoy walks along the river, exploring hidden paths and bridges, and relaxing to the sounds of the water. Anglers know well that the crystal-clear Slunjčica trout has a "special shine," and active vacation enthusiasts know that the most beautiful walking and cycling paths pass through Slunj.

To bring visitors, locals, and tourists closer to experiencing the beauty of the Slunj Rastoke destination with all senses, the Slunj Tourist Board, in collaboration with EduCare Travel agency, is organizing for the first time this year in June, a Wellbeing Weekend on the Water.

Wellbeing Weekend on the Water
As part of the Wellbeing Weekend on the Water, on Saturday, June 29, 2024, along the Slunjčica River in Slunj, a free program will be held – forest baths, sound baths, and yoga combined with workshops and lectures in the field of wellbeing. On the same day, in the evening, on St. John Nepomuk Bridge, above the Slunjčica River in Rastoke, a jazz music concert will follow. This small open-air concert, starting at 8:30 PM, combines music with artistic expression and wine.

Activities on the Korana
The next day we will be active on the Korana. On Sunday, June 30, 2024, at the city beach on the Korana River, a guided morning stretch, a stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) workshop, Nordic walking with storytelling, and guided e-bike tours will be held.

To ensure the best possible experience for participants of the Wellbeing Weekend on the Water, a Google form has been created for all interested parties to register for activities, which can be filled out via the following link:
Register here

Heure de création: 25 juin, 2024
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