Accidents in the Adriatic: collision, fire and accident

Accidents on the Adriatic: vessel collision near Pag, yacht fire in Makarska and breakdown near Hvar

Yesterday, three serious maritime incidents were recorded in the Adriatic: a collision of a vessel near the island of Pag with a fatal outcome, a motor yacht fire in Makarska and the sinking of a yacht near Hvar. All events were quickly remedied thanks to the rapid intervention of the competent services.

Accidents on the Adriatic: vessel collision near Pag, yacht fire in Makarska and breakdown near Hvar
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

The National Center for Coordination of Search and Rescue at Sea, in Rijeka (MRCC Rijeka), informed the relevant services of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport, and Infrastructure about the extraordinary events that occurred yesterday in the area under the supervision of the Zadar and Split captaincies. Some of these events had serious consequences.

Prevented sinking of a motor yacht near the island of Hvar
Officers of the Hvar Port Authority Substation responded to a report from a witness about a boat on fire, received yesterday, June 28, at 12:05 pm through MRCC Rijeka. A coordinated search and rescue operation was launched. Before setting out, the officers of the Hvar Substation engaged and boarded members of the Volunteer Fire Brigade DVD Hvar with their equipment on the rescue boat. Upon arrival at the location, they found that there were no casualties and the motor yacht was not on fire, but was gradually sinking due to taking in water at the stern. The four-member crew, including the captain, evacuated to another boat. The firefighters used a portable pump to secure the boat from sinking. Hvar Substation officers conducted a preliminary investigation and found that, for an unknown reason, the exhaust system in the engine section of the motor yacht had failed. The captain, who is also the owner of the boat, stated that thick smoke had previously billowed out and then water began to flood the lower deck. No sea pollution was observed at the accident site. After the boat was secured from sinking, the owner was ordered to tow the boat to a safe berth. The investigation into the causes of the accident will continue during the day.

One person died after a boat collision near the island of Pag
The Zadar Port Authority reported to MRCC Rijeka and the relevant services of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport, and Infrastructure about two seriously injured persons in a maritime accident that occurred off the coast of Pag. The report of the maritime accident was received by the Zadar Captaincy at 7:47 pm through the Pag Police Station. Officers arrived at the accident site, which occurred at sea in front of the Sveti Duh beach, north of Kolan. A boat flying the Slovenian flag and a recreational 'jet-ski' vessel flying the Croatian flag collided. Two people sustained serious injuries and were transported to the Emergency Hospital in Zadar. Unfortunately, during the night one of the injured persons passed away. The Zadar Port Authority is conducting an investigation into the causes of this maritime accident.

Fire on a motor yacht at berth in Makarska Port
The National Center for Coordination of Search and Rescue at Sea informed the Ministry of the Sea, Transport, and Infrastructure about a fire on a motor yacht, which, for currently unknown reasons, broke out in the evening hours while docked in Makarska Port. The fire report was received by MRCC Rijeka last night, June 28, at 11:10 pm, through the County Dispatch Center ŽC 112. Members of the Public Fire Brigade Makarska and police officers, who secured the land access to the fire site, were already engaged at the accident location. A maritime firefighting unit of the Public Fire Brigade JVP Kaštela was engaged to extinguish the fire from the sea. Upon arrival at the location, they continued extinguishing the fire and placed barriers around the yacht, as there was still fuel in the tanks. Officers of the Makarska Substation, during a preliminary investigation at the accident site, took statements from the three-member crew, including the captain. All are citizens of the Republic of Croatia and they timely and uninjured left the 34-meter yacht flying the Maltese flag. Due to the large amount of firefighting agents and water used, the burnt motor yacht partially sank on its side to a depth of about 6 meters. The Makarska Port Authority Substation will continue with investigative actions in cooperation with other relevant services after securing the fire site.


Czas utworzenia: 30 czerwca, 2024

AI Nina Crnja-Jagnje

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