During the official visit of the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Hristijan Mickoski, to Croatia, key meetings were held with the aim of strengthening bilateral cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the field of healthcare. Prime Minister Mickoski, with high state honors, met with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković at the Banski dvori, where the Healthcare Cooperation Plan for the period 2024 - 2026 was signed. The signatories of this document were Croatian Minister of Health Vili Beroš and his Macedonian counterpart Arben Taravari.
Extensive cooperation in healthcare
The cooperation plan encompasses a range of activities including the exchange of information and experts between the two countries, with an emphasis on improving the quality of healthcare. The exchange of knowledge and experiences in various medical specialties, such as transplant medicine and public health, is one of the main items in the agreement. The plan also includes joint work on developing new protocols, guidelines, and standards in medical practice.
Strengthening healthcare system capacity
One of the key components of the plan is the enhancement of healthcare system capacities through specialized training of medical professionals, as well as providing technical support in the process of modernizing healthcare services. Croatia will provide support through the transfer of knowledge gained during its own reforms in the healthcare sector, while Macedonian experts will have the opportunity to participate in training programs in Croatian healthcare institutions.
Cooperation in the context of EU integration
Cooperation between Croatia and North Macedonia has an additional dimension in the context of North Macedonia's accession to the European Union. Croatia, as an EU member with negotiation experience, has offered its assistance in this process, including support through programs such as TAIEX. This form of cooperation will enable North Macedonia to have a faster and more efficient path to EU membership, with Croatian expertise playing a key role.
Support for long-term cooperation
Croatia remains committed to supporting North Macedonia, not only through formal agreements but also through continuous cooperation at all levels. During the discussions, both sides emphasized the importance of further deepening political, economic, and cultural ties, which will further strengthen the traditionally friendly relations between the two countries. Cooperation in the field of healthcare represents just one step in this long-term partnership, which is expected to result in mutual benefits.
During the visit, Prime Minister Mickoski also met with the President of Croatia, Zoran Milanović, where they discussed the challenges on North Macedonia's path to the EU and agreed on further steps to deepen bilateral cooperation. These meetings represent a continuation of the intense efforts of both countries to strengthen mutual cooperation, with a special focus on the sectors of healthcare, education, and the economy.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 30 August, 2024
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