How RBI uses ion beams for advanced graphene

How researchers at the Ruđer Bošković Institute use ion beams to create advanced graphene with tailored properties

Scientists at the Ruđer Bošković Institute use high-energy ion beams for precise shaping of nanoporous graphene, opening up new possibilities for the application of this material in the industry, including advanced electronic devices and sensor technologies

How researchers at the Ruđer Bošković Institute use ion beams to create advanced graphene with tailored properties
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Graphene, a material composed of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, is attracting the attention of the scientific community due to its extraordinary properties. Its strength, surpassing that of steel, remarkable flexibility, and high conductivity make it a key element in the development of new technologies. A team of scientists from the Ruđer Bošković Institute (IRB) is using ion beams to precisely shape the structure of graphene, which could lead to new applications for this material.

IRB scientists, through research whose results were published in the journal Applied Surface Science, have shown that high-energy ion beams can precisely shape nanoporous graphene. This process changes the functionality of graphene, opening up possibilities for creating materials with tailored properties for specific industrial needs.

"Our work represents a significant advance in understanding how to control atomic-level structures in graphene. Controlling the formation of nanopores with high-energy ion beams opens new possibilities for customizing the properties of graphene for various applications," emphasized Dr. Kristina Tomić Luketić, a postdoctoral researcher at the Ion Beam Interaction Laboratory at IRB.

Graphene is recognized as the thinnest material ever discovered and is also one of the best conductors of heat and electricity. These properties make it perfect for advanced electronic devices, energy solutions, and innovative composite materials. Its application is already seen in flexible displays, superfast electronic circuits, and ultralight sports equipment. Due to its ability to form molecular barriers, graphene is also suitable for water and air filters, where it can significantly improve efficiency and reduce production costs.

A team of researchers from IRB, including Dr. Andreja Gajović from the Laboratory for Energy Conversion Materials and Sensors and Dr. Marko Karlušić from the Thin Films Laboratory, applied a method that can be compared to artistically creating microscopic masterpieces on an atomic level. High-energy beams of iodine, copper, silicon, and oxygen, accelerated to high speeds, were used to create nanopores in single-layer graphene. Depending on the speed and type of ions, the samples showed different characteristics, with slower ions creating larger pores, similar to the impact of a heavy ball on a softer surface.

The process of shaping graphene involves the deposition of ion beam energy, nuclear and electronic stopping power of graphene for ion beams. Nuclear stopping power can directly displace atoms from their positions, while electronic stopping power creates damage by disrupting the electronic structure of graphene, enabling the creation of precisely tailored nanostructures.

Additional research has shown how the substrate on which graphene is located can significantly affect the characteristics of the damage. Optimal results were achieved when electronic stopping power significantly prevailed over nuclear. This knowledge enables the development of new methods for creating advanced materials such as nanoporous graphene, which could find applications in various fields, from sensor technologies to energy storage systems.

The research was funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) and the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Scientific Centre of Excellence for Advanced Materials and Sensors.

Further Research
Continuing with research, scientists hope to discover new ways to improve the properties of graphene and its application in industry. The focus is on developing technologies that would enable mass production of graphene at more affordable prices. Given its unique properties, graphene could revolutionize many industries, including electronics, energy, and medicine.

Graphene Perspectives
In addition to already known applications, graphene is also being researched for use in the development of new types of batteries, solar cells, and biomedical devices. Its biocompatibility and ability to transmit signals make it an ideal candidate for advanced medical implants and sensors. Additionally, the possibility of using graphene in the production of environmentally friendly materials is being explored, which could significantly contribute to sustainable development.

Conclusion of the Research
Research conducted at IRB represents a significant step forward in understanding and applying graphene. Precise shaping of this material at the nano level opens new possibilities for customizing its properties, which could lead to the development of new technologies and improvement of existing ones. Given the extraordinary properties of graphene, its application is expected to only grow in the future, bringing new innovations to various industries.

Kristina Tomić Luketić, Andreja Gajović, Marko Karlušić: High-energy heavy ions as a tool for production of nanoporous graphene, Applied Surface Science, Volume 669, 2024,


Czas utworzenia: 23 lipca, 2024

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