Croatia presents tourist offer at Beleef! fair

Croatia presents a tourist offer at the Beleef! fair in the Netherlands with an emphasis on pre-season, post-season and sustainable tourism

The Croatian National Tourist Board participates in the Dutch fair Beleef! in Utrecht, where it presents the domestic tourist offer. The fair is dedicated to the elderly, and Croatian exhibitors emphasize the benefits of visits in the pre-season and post-season, with a focus on sustainability and quality.

Croatia presents a tourist offer at the Beleef! fair in the Netherlands with an emphasis on pre-season, post-season and sustainable tourism
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Beleef! fair in the Dutch city of Utrecht has once again attracted significant attention, and this year's edition has brought numerous opportunities for the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) to present our country as an attractive destination. The fair, tailored for an older demographic known as "free nesters" and retirees, is a significant event for promoting Croatia, especially in the pre-season and off-season when these groups travel more frequently.

Beleef! is one of the key fairs in the Netherlands focusing on specific interest groups such as retirees and adventurers. This year, HTZ emphasized promoting Croatia's natural beauty, such as national parks and cultural landmarks, which are extremely popular among older Dutch tourists. Since senior travelers are known for avoiding crowds and traveling during off-peak times, this market has proven to be highly significant for Croatia's tourism sector.

According to Ivan Novak, Director of the HTZ Representative Office for Benelux, Dutch tourists increasingly choose Croatia as a destination for relaxation and exploration, particularly due to the diversity of the offer. "These visitors, who have more free time and are not tied to school holidays, often travel several times a year and form an important segment of our tourist traffic," Novak pointed out. This year, the focus has been on promoting special tourism offers such as wellness packages, cycling tours, and adventure holidays, further highlighting Croatia at this fair.

Specialized offers and workshops

In addition to the standard tourism offer, the Beleef! fair includes numerous specialized segments such as gastronomy, health, and accommodation, which further attracts visitors' attention. HTZ organized a series of presentations and workshops where visitors could receive detailed information about Croatian destinations and participate in various activities promoting a healthy lifestyle. The fair offers an opportunity for direct interaction with potential visitors, and this year, the emphasis has also been on sustainable tourism, which has proven to be a key theme for many exhibitors.

Given the importance of this market for Croatia, HTZ continuously invests in promotion in the Dutch market through various activities, including participation in several other significant fairs like Vakantiebeurs, as well as through digital campaigns such as "Experience Croatia... your memories are on us!" These activities aim to attract visitors in the pre-season and off-season when Dutch tourists traditionally travel, thereby extending the tourist season in Croatia.

Sustainable tourism development

The fair also promoted initiatives for sustainable tourism, with a special focus on preserving natural resources and sustainable development of tourist destinations. This approach is extremely important for the Dutch market, which is increasingly turning to environmentally friendly solutions. Croatia, through various projects such as introducing eco-friendly accommodation options and utilizing renewable energy sources, has attracted significant attention from Dutch travelers who are increasingly seeking destinations that embrace sustainable tourism.

The fair is expected to attract over 50,000 visitors, further confirming the significance of this event for the tourism sector. By participating in such manifestations, Croatia strengthens its position as one of the leading tourist destinations in Europe, offering a diverse and high-quality offer that meets the needs of modern travelers.


Czas utworzenia: 12 września, 2024

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