The Ministry of the Interior of Croatia ensures border security by purchasing advanced day-night sensor cameras for state border surveillance within the Schengen area

Croatia is strengthening the security of the external borders of the European Union through the project of procurement of advanced day-night sensor cameras. The nearly €1 million project was funded from European funds with the aim of increasing the efficiency of surveillance and security in the Schengen area.

The Ministry of the Interior of Croatia ensures border security by purchasing advanced day-night sensor cameras for state border surveillance within the Schengen area
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

On August 8, 2024, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, in cooperation with the Directorate for European Affairs, International Relations, and European Union Funds, has signed an Agreement on the direct allocation of financial resources for the project “Procurement of Day-Night Small Range Sensor Cameras”. This project is funded through the Border Management Integrated Border Management Fund, which is part of the broader European Instrument for Financial Support in the field of border management and visa policy (BMVI).

The project plays a crucial role in enhancing security at the external borders of the European Union, particularly in the Schengen area. Given the increasingly sophisticated challenges in the field of security, such as illegal migration and smuggling, this project aims to improve the technical equipment of Croatia to effectively respond to these challenges. The sensor cameras to be procured will enable monitoring of the state border throughout the day and night, ensuring continuous surveillance, even under reduced visibility conditions.

The project “Procurement of Day-Night Small Range Sensor Cameras” is valued at a total of EUR 942,500.00, including VAT. Of this amount, 75% of the funds are secured from the Border Management Integrated Border Management Fund, while the remaining 25% is financed by the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia. The funds will be used to procure advanced sensor systems that combine optical and infrared sensors, providing high precision and the ability to detect objects under various lighting conditions. The technology also includes thermal sensors, which can detect heat signals at distances of up to several kilometers, crucial for detecting people and vehicles even in complete darkness.

The equipment to be procured through this project is based on advanced technical solutions that enable the integration of visible and infrared spectra. This combination significantly increases the effectiveness of surveillance, as it allows detection of objects even in the most demanding conditions, such as fog, smoke, and other atmospheric influences. The cameras to be used in this project are also equipped with an automatic tracking function, allowing continuous monitoring of suspicious activities along the border.

With financial support from European funds, the Republic of Croatia continues to invest in modernizing its security infrastructure, which includes monitoring and surveillance systems. The implementation of such technology will not only ensure Croatia’s compliance with European security standards but also significantly enhance its capacity to detect and prevent security threats at the national border. This project also facilitates cooperation with other EU member states, sharing information, and coordinating in real-time, which is crucial for maintaining security across the entire Schengen area.

The project “Procurement of Day-Night Small Range Sensor Cameras” is not only an investment in technology but also in the future of security for Croatia and the European Union. Such initiatives are vital for maintaining stability and security within European borders, while also providing operational support to Croatian border services that work daily to preserve security and order.

Czas utworzenia: 03 września, 2024
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