Advent on Ban Jelačić Square: magic for children and families with rich content

Advent in Zagreb this year offers an unforgettable experience for children and families, including workshops, performances, children's New Year's Eve and unique gastronomic delicacies.

Advent on Ban Jelačić Square: magic for children and families with rich content
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The Advent on the main square in Zagreb this year offers a unique experience for visitors of all ages, with a special emphasis on the youngest. In addition to providing a rich cultural and entertainment program for adults, the organizers have created activities that promote creativity, learning, and community among children, creating an unforgettable festive atmosphere.

Weekend magic: Activities for children

Every weekend, on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 AM to 1 PM, children can enjoy a series of interactive and educational workshops. The creative workshops include face painting, scientific experiments with Tinker Labs, and workshops for planting small pines, which teach children about the importance of nature conservation. Performances by the "Colorful World" theater, as well as storytelling sessions that take young visitors through fairy tale worlds, are especially popular. Writing letters to Santa Claus is an essential activity that sparks imagination and brings a touch of holiday magic to every child.

Zagreb through history and legends

The Advent on Ban Jelačić Square also offers a unique educational experience. Children and their parents can discover stories about legendary figures from Zagreb's history. Handcrafted sculptures in life-size depict Princess Manda, the Witch of Grič, Countess Nera, and Dora Krupić, while stories about the Grič cannon, which in the 16th century defended Zagreb from the Turks, bring historical moments of the city to life. In addition, the licitar heart tradition and the history of the first Zagreb herbal liqueur further enrich the offer.

Gastronomic offer that delights

The holiday spirit would not be complete without delicious snacks. At 13 food stalls, visitors can enjoy a variety of offerings, tailored even for the youngest. From homemade sausages, hot dogs, and chicken medallions, to sweet potatoes and bagel sandwiches, to the unmissable fritters, dumplings, and kurtos – there is something tasty for everyone. This rich offering makes Advent an ideal place for a family outing.

Special New Year's Eve celebration for children

One of the most special moments of the Advent on the Square is certainly the children's New Year's Eve celebration. It takes place on December 31st in the morning, with a varied program including special performances, children's disco, and plenty of fun. This event allows children to celebrate the arrival of the New Year in a way that suits them, in a joyful and safe environment.

Digital support for visitors

The innovative AI assistant named Manda is available to visitors for all program-related information. By using the WhatsApp platform, it is enough to scan the QR code found on the official event channels or within the Advent space. In this way, visitors can quickly and easily find out all the details about the activities and events, further enhancing the experience.

The Advent on Ban Jelačić Square this year offers not only a festive atmosphere but also an opportunity for education, creativity, and community. With its diverse program, this event attracts families from all over Croatia, providing everyone with an unforgettable experience in the heart of Zagreb.

Czas utworzenia: 12 grudnia, 2024
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