Advent in Novi Vinodolski: a rich program with the opening of the Winter Magic Frankopan ice rink

This winter, Novi Vinodolski brings a magical Advent atmosphere with a rich program for all generations. Do not miss the opening of Advent at Mažuranić and the Winter Magic Frankopan ice rink, with music performances, workshops and children's activities that will create unforgettable memories.

Advent in Novi Vinodolski: a rich program with the opening of the Winter Magic Frankopan ice rink
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Novi Vinodolski this year presents a rich Advent program that will delight visitors of all generations. The event "Novi Advent" started on December 1 and runs until January 6, 2025, offering a variety of activities from creative workshops to musical performances.

Opening of Advent at Mažuranić's

The central event of the second Advent week is the opening of "Advent at Mažuranić's" on December 12. Ivan Mažuranić Square will be transformed into a festive oasis with a rich gastronomic offering and a musical program. On the first evening, Gelato Sisters and the group Trend will perform, while for the following days Trio Marinero, DJ Bruno Bosco, Grooverse, and DJ Tommy are scheduled.

Workshops and Children's Programs

Throughout the week, various workshops are organized: wool felting, cup painting as part of "Chia cups" workshops, and making Christmas ornaments from clay. The children's kindergarten "Fijolica" is preparing a quiz for children and parents, while the National Reading Room and Library will host story sessions and "Drvenog vala" workshops. Especially noteworthy is "Christmas Magic in Fijolica," which will provide little ones with an unforgettable festive experience.

Winter Choir Showcase

Chapel song enthusiasts will enjoy the "Winter Choir Showcase" held on Saturday at the House of Culture. This musical event brings together renowned choirs from all over Croatia, offering visitors an authentic experience of Dalmatian musical tradition.

Opening of the "Winter Magic of Frankopan" Ice Rink

One of the most anticipated events is the opening of the "Winter Magic of Frankopan" ice rink on December 15 at 5:00 PM. Located on the terrace of the House of Culture, the ice rink will be open daily until January 6, 2025. The ticket costs a symbolic 2 euros, and skating sessions start every full hour and last 45 minutes, followed by ice preparation for the next group.

The grand opening will be marked by a performance by skater Paola Butković, who will perform an artistic routine. Paola has been involved in artistic skating since the age of eight and moved from Zagreb to Novi Vinodolski last year. She emphasizes that skating has taught her the importance of dedicated work and accepting defeat. Interestingly, the opening of the ice rink coincides with World Skating Day, further highlighting the significance of this event.

Mini Skating School

A "Mini Skating School" has been organized for the youngest, intended for children aged 5 to 10 years. It will be held from December 16 to 20 in the afternoon sessions, three times a week. Applications are accepted via email at, and depending on the number of applications, one or two groups will be formed. The school will be led by Paola Butković, and each session lasts 45 minutes with a maximum of 12 participants per group. The price is 10 euros per participant, and skates are provided. The use of gloves and helmets is mandatory during skating.

Additional Activities

Children will be especially delighted by a visit from the mascot Orašara on the day of the ice rink opening, with whom they can take photos. Additionally, a photobooth will be set up to create unforgettable videos from Advent in Novi Vinodolski.

We invite everyone to join us in this cheerful Advent magic and enjoy the holidays together! All information is available on the website and social media of the Tourist Board of the City of Novi Vinodolski.

Czas utworzenia: 10 grudnia, 2024
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