Days of beer Karlovac 2024: music, beer and gastronomy

Karlovac Beer Days 2024: a rich musical and gastronomic offer celebrating 40 years of the festival and 170 years of Karlovac beer

This year, Karlovac celebrates its double anniversary with the 40th Beer Days and 170 years of Karlovac beer. Visitors can expect a rich musical offer, a superb gastronomic corner and educational facilities. The festival will run from August 30 to September 3.

Karlovac Beer Days 2024: a rich musical and gastronomic offer celebrating 40 years of the festival and 170 years of Karlovac beer
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Karlovac Beer Days this year bring a special celebration as two major anniversaries will be marked. The longest-running beer festival, which will be held from August 30th to September 3rd, celebrates 40 years of existence, while Karlovačko beer marks its 170th birthday. This unique event will gather beer and music lovers from across the region, and visitors can expect a diverse gastronomic and beer offer that will satisfy even the most demanding palates.


Celebration with the sounds of local music
This year, many well-known performers will perform at the Karlovac Beer Days. Names such as Tony Cetinski, Miach, Vojko V, Neno Belan & Fiumens, Prljavo kazalište, and many others will take turns on the stage. Their performances will ensure that the fun lasts until late at night, and visitors will be able to enjoy a diverse music program that will also include DJ sets.
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The Flying Squadron and The Gigsons will bring the atmosphere of blues, soul, and funk with their musical performances, while the Strings Band, a long-standing Karlovac ensemble, will bring familiar melodies from the local music scene. Ston music will present the tradition of southern Dalmatia with their performances, and Magnus will take us back to the golden years of rock and roll. Black and White will complete the music program with their performances of pop and rock classics.

Gastronomic delicacies and beer innovations
In addition to the music program, the Karlovac Beer Days are also known for their rich gastronomic offer. In the Gastro Corner, visitors will be able to taste various specialties in a tent with 400 seating places. On the Dr. Franjo Tuđman Promenade, a diverse range of food will be offered, including burgers, tacos, flatbreads, as well as sweet delicacies such as brownies with ice cream, pancakes, Istrian fritters, and cotton candy.

Karlovačko Beer World will present as many as 17 different types of beer, including fruity and flavored variants such as Mort Subite with cherry flavor, Cruzcampo Gran Reserva malt lager, refreshing Birra Moretti lager, and Laško Burin, a beer with a salt infusion from the Bay of Piran. Beer lovers will also be able to taste Red Stripe lager, as well as local favorites Karlovačko, Heineken, Lagunitas IPA, Sol, and Stari lisac. Special attention will also be drawn to the craft beer offer from Pivovara Podrum and Pivovara Medvedgrad, which will be available on the Promenade.

Activities and additional content
The Karlovac Beer Days are not just a festival of music and beer, but also a place where responsible alcohol consumption is promoted. In cooperation with the Karlovac Police Department, a preventive-educational workshop will be organized where visitors will be able to try a motorcycle driving simulator, a safety helmet, so-called "drunk glasses," and an alcohol presence checking device "Dräger." These workshops aim to educate the public about the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol and to raise awareness of responsible behavior.
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In addition, visitors will be able to try out various fun activities. In the carnival games zone and relaxation corners, visitors can relax and enjoy the cheerful festival atmosphere. Prize games such as Corn Hole, the Film-Music Quiz with Morana Zibar, and the beer quest will offer the opportunity to win interesting prizes.

History and tradition of Karlovačko beer
Karlovačko beer, the main sponsor of the Beer Days, celebrates 170 years of existence this year, marking a long history and tradition that began back in 1854 when Baron Nikola Vranyczany built the first brewery in Dubovac. Over the years, the brewery grew and developed, becoming one of the most recognizable brands in the region. The first Beer Days were held in 1984, exactly on the 130th anniversary of Karlovačko beer, and since then this festival has grown and become an indispensable event in the calendar of beer lovers.


In addition to music, beer, and gastronomy, the Karlovac Beer Days also offer the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills through various educational and entertaining content. Visitors will be able to take home souvenirs from the Karlovačko shop and attend the presentation of the book "The Fifth River of Karlovac" by author Krešimir Perušić, which brings interesting stories about the history of Karlovačko beer and the city itself.

This festival is not just a celebration of beer, but also an event that brings people together, promotes local culture and history, and offers an unforgettable experience for all visitors. Detailed information about the program and events at the Beer Days is available on the festival's official website, as well as on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

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Czas utworzenia: 16 sierpnia, 2024

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