Magical Christmas weekend in Nails - workshops and fair

A magical Christmas weekend in Nails: workshops, shows and a holiday fair

Experience the real Christmas atmosphere in Nails! Workshops, shows, sports games and a fair of rich holiday delicacies await the whole family. Spend unforgettable moments with creative activities and guests like St. Nicholas and Santa Claus at the Cavle House of Culture.

A magical Christmas weekend in Nails: workshops, shows and a holiday fair
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The Municipality of Čavle is preparing a rich holiday program for children and their families, bringing the magic of Christmas through various activities and events. During December, the House of Culture Čavle will become a center of joy, creativity, and community, providing unforgettable moments for the youngest.

Holiday Performances for Children

As part of the program, children will have the opportunity to enjoy interactive Christmas performances that stimulate the imagination and convey important messages about friendship and community. These performances are tailored to different age groups and designed to entertain, educate, and instill the holiday spirit among the youngest.

Creative Workshops and Activities

For children of kindergarten and school age, a variety of workshops are organized that encourage creativity and teamwork:

  • Making Christmas Ornaments: Children will create unique ornaments using various materials, thereby developing their motor skills and creativity.

  • Christmas Stories and Fairy Tales: Reading and interpreting Christmas stories that carry messages of love, peace, and community.

  • Music Workshops: Learning and performing traditional Christmas songs accompanied by instruments, encouraging children's musical expression.

  • Sports Activities: Organizing holiday sports courses that combine play and physical activity, adapted to different age groups.

Special Guests and Surprises

During the event, children will be visited by sveti Nikola i Djed Mraz, bringing gifts and creating unforgettable memories. Additionally, interactive games with elves and photo opportunities in a festive setting are organized, allowing families to take home memories of these special moments.

Holiday Fair and Gastronomic Offerings

As part of the events, visitors will be able to enjoy a holiday fair with a rich offer of local products, crafts, and Christmas delicacies. The gastronomic offerings will include traditional dishes and sweets, creating a warm holiday atmosphere for the whole family.

Information and Registrations

All activities are free of charge, but due to the limited number of places for certain workshops, prior registration is recommended. Detailed information about the program and registration procedures is available on the official website of the Čavle Municipality Tourist Board.

Come and spend unforgettable moments in Čavle, where a rich program filled with laughter, creativity, and true holiday spirit awaits you!


Czas utworzenia: 06 grudnia, 2024

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