Medun Fest in Fužine: Discovering the mountain forest honeysuckle with hiking, tastings and cultural and entertainment programs during the two-day festival

Visit the Medun Fest in Lič, Fužine, and enjoy a unique two-day festival dedicated to the mountain forest honeydew. Discover the beauties of Gorski Kotar with tastings, hiking and a rich cultural and entertainment program.

Medun Fest in Fužine: Discovering the mountain forest honeysuckle with hiking, tastings and cultural and entertainment programs during the two-day festival
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

Gorski forest honey, one of the most valued natural products of Gorski kotar, will be in the spotlight at the upcoming Medun Fest, which will take place on September 7th and 8th in Lič, a small village in the municipality of Fužine. This festival, traditionally recognized as a central event for promoting local culture and natural products, offers a rich program of activities for all ages.
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Program and activities
The Medun Fest starts on Saturday, September 7th, with a family hiking tour led by a professional guide from the Lynx and Fox association. The route leads from Bajer Lake through dense forest all the way to Preradović's peak, offering an unforgettable view of the surrounding places and mountains. Transportation for participants is organized by a tourist train from the center of Lič, adding to the charm of this activity.

Gastronomic delight
One of the main attractions of the festival will be the tasting of forest honey, as well as the first ice cream and cocktails made from forest honey, created by renowned chefs Dino Galvango and Marko Stojević. Visitors will be able to taste these specialties starting from 5 PM on Saturday, while the gastro show with renowned Croatian chefs Zdravko Tomšić, Branko Ognjenović, and Boris Kauzlarić will be the highlight of the evening.

Cultural and entertainment program
In addition to gastronomic pleasures, Medun Fest offers a rich cultural and entertainment program. The main stage will feature the Fužine Wind Orchestra, the Gorani group, and the choirs Vrelo and Vitaneo. Special attention is given to the youngest visitors, for whom workshops titled "A Day in the Life of a Working Bee" are organized, as well as an apiary where children can see a real hive with live bees.
Click here to view accommodation in Fužine

Education and heritage preservation
As part of the festival, visitors will have the opportunity to participate in expert lectures on beekeeping and apitherapy, as well as visit the Ethnographic Museum in Lič. Creative workshops for making souvenirs from beeswax and aromatic herbs will also be organized. The program concludes on Sunday, September 8th, with the "Medun Walk & Taste" excursion, where participants will visit two local beekeepers and taste their products.

Medun Fest in Lič, which has been held for the fifth consecutive year, represents a perfect opportunity for nature and gastronomy enthusiasts to explore the richness of Gorski kotar and enjoy the authentic products of this region. With a diverse program that includes hiking, tastings, workshops, and entertainment, this festival is an ideal destination for families and anyone looking to experience something new and exciting.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 30 August, 2024
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