Urban&4 at Advent in Rijeka - musical spectacle

Urban&4 at Advent in Rijeka: a concert that combines holiday magic and musical art

Damir Urban and his group Urban&4 will perform on December 14 at the Advent Concert in Rijeka, providing an unforgettable experience for all visitors. The organizers emphasized the importance of free recording for the audience, while protecting the rights of performers and ensuring a smooth flow of performances.

Urban&4 at Advent in Rijeka: a concert that combines holiday magic and musical art
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

Advent in Rijeka attracts numerous visitors every year, and in 2024, the concert of Urban&4, which will take place on December 14th at the 128th Brigade HV Square, stands out in particular. This event celebrates the local music scene and aims to highlight the artistic talent of the city of Rijeka. The organization of such concerts is part of a larger effort to position Rijeka as a cultural hub during the holiday season.

Controversy over Recording and Photography

Despite positive announcements, recent media reports have sparked certain controversies regarding alleged bans on recording and photography during the performances of Damir Urban and his band. Namely, in some articles, contractual clauses regulating recording and photography at concerts were misinterpreted. These misinterpretations led to negative reactions from the public, damaged the reputation of the performers, and raised questions about whether the concert would even take place.

It is important to emphasize that such bans have never existed before, and they will not be in place for this concert either. The audience will be free to capture moments from the performance using their mobile devices and cameras, which has long been standard practice at Urban&4 performances. The issues arose from incorrect and superficial interpretations of certain contractual clauses, which not only created unnecessary drama but also caused harm to the performers.

Understanding Contractual Clauses

As is common in the music industry, performer contracts contain clauses related to recording and photography to ensure order during the performance. According to these rules, the organizer and production have the right to intervene if the audience's recording interferes with the performer or jeopardizes the safety of the event. These measures are not aimed against the audience, but serve to protect the performer and ensure the smooth running of the concert.

This principle is not new, nor is it specific only to Urban&4. Many renowned performers worldwide have similar provisions in their contracts, ensuring professionalism and respect for copyright laws. The audience at previous performances of Damir Urban had complete freedom to record, provided it did not disrupt the flow of the performance. The same will apply at the concert on December 14th.

Positive Examples from Practice

Examples of previous performances by Damir Urban show how much the audience values the opportunity to record their concert experiences. One such event was the Urban&4 concert with a string orchestra in Exportdrvo, held as part of the Summer at the Castle. During this event, numerous visitors used their devices to record without any issues, and the performers even shared some of those recordings on social media. This only confirms Damir Urban and his band's openness to the audience and their willingness to share music with their fans.

The Importance of Respecting Copyrights

Every recording, whether professional or personal, is subject to the Copyright and Related Rights Act. Contractual clauses regulating such situations are a standard part of the music industry. In addition to protecting performers, these provisions also protect the rights of all involved parties, ensuring compliance with the law and professional standards. Unfortunately, superficial interpretations of these clauses often lead to unnecessary controversies and misunderstandings.

Advent as a Platform for Artists

Rijeka's Advent provides an opportunity every year for local artists to showcase their talent to a large audience. This year's performance by Urban&4 further emphasizes the importance of connecting the community through music. Organizers have highlighted that the aim of such events is to promote Rijeka as a city of culture and music, which is crucial for strengthening the city's tourism and cultural identity.

Despite temporary misunderstandings, the Urban&4 concert is expected to attract a large number of visitors, further cementing Rijeka's status as a center of music events during the holidays. Organizers invite all music lovers to join and enjoy an unforgettable performance by one of the most famous groups in the Croatian music scene.


Czas utworzenia: 14 grudnia, 2024

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