On the island of Cres, one of the largest pearls of the Adriatic Sea, September offers not only natural beauty but also a wealth of cultural and recreational activities. Throughout September, visitors can enjoy various events, from music evenings to hiking and discovering historical landmarks that the island has to offer. Considering the favorable weather conditions and pleasant temperatures, September is an ideal time to visit this island.
Until mid-September, Cres will host a variety of events taking place every week. Klapa evenings, free guided tours, as well as exhibitions of local products as part of the “Creske butege” provide an opportunity for a deep dive into local culture and traditions. This is an ideal time for those who want to discover the island’s wealth, both through its products and the beauty of its nature.
Rock memorial and music spectacle
The first weekend in September will be marked by an intense music program. Cres will host the Rock Memorial on September 6th and 7th, an event that attracts rock, punk, and heavy metal music lovers from across the region. At the school playground, with free entry, there will be concerts by several well-known bands. Friday, September 6th, will be reserved for performances by the bands Štamparska greška, Antitodor, Kud Idijoti Tribute, and Alergija, while Saturday, September 7th, will bring performances by the bands Krematorium, Overload, Art Knockout, and Padre. The main event of the evening will be the performance of the legendary group Atomsko sklonište, which will thrill the audience with its energetic performance. The organization of this event is led by the Cres association CRock, which has successfully organized the memorial dedicated to Draganu Medariću – Gagiju for the third year in a row.
Klapa and tamburica evenings
In addition to the Rock Memorial, the first September weekend also offers klapa and tamburica evenings, which will be held in various parts of the island. On Friday, September 6th, starting at 8:00 PM, klapa Burin, klapa Marof, klapa ŽVS Zipka, and tamburica players KUD Marof will perform in Martinšćica. The following day, Saturday, September 7th, the same performers will move to the Monastery of St. Francis in Cres, where the concert will also start at 8:00 PM. The weekend will conclude on Sunday, September 8th, with a morning concert of tamburica players at the town loggia at 11:30 AM.
Active vacation and guided tours
For fans of active vacations, Cres offers a program of free guided hiking tours called Cres Hike, starting on September 14th. These tours will allow visitors to explore the island through organized walks starting from Cres, Martinšćica, and Beli. Every Saturday and Sunday, until October 13th, visitors will be able to enjoy the beauty of nature, with expert guidance from members of the Osorsćica Mountaineering Society and Xplore Cres. The tour schedule and additional information are available on the island’s official website.
Cultural events and traditions
Cres also offers a rich program of cultural events. On Saturday, September 21st, as part of the 30th Heferer Organ Festival, a concert will be held in the Parish Church in Cres. This festival brings together fans of organ music and provides a unique opportunity to enjoy performances on top-quality organs, with free entry for all visitors. The end of September will also be marked by World Tourism Day, which Cres will celebrate on September 27th with a special program. Free guided tours through the history of the town of Cres will include visits to Renaissance palaces and a wool felting workshop, where visitors will have the chance to make their own souvenirs.
Natural beauty and island attractions
Cres is known for its pristine nature and rich biodiversity. Lake Vrana, located in the center of the island, is one of the few cryptodepression lakes in the world. This lake provides a haven for many bird species, including the protected griffon vultures, which often soar above the island’s steep cliffs. Along with the lake, visitors can explore the historic town of Osor, which is full of archaeological sites and rich cultural heritage, and the picturesque village of Lubenice, located on a hilltop with a stunning view of the sea.
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Czas utworzenia: 02 września, 2024