Competition for the best recruit of the 43rd generation in Požega: Dominik from Gospić and Nataša from Rijeka demonstrated excellent military skills

The competition for the best recruit of the 43rd generation at the “123rd HV Brigade” barracks in Požega resulted in victory for Dominik from Gospić and Nataša from Rijeka, with strong support from their colleagues

Competition for the best recruit of the 43rd generation in Požega: Dominik from Gospić and Nataša from Rijeka demonstrated excellent military skills
Photo by: ZOD/ hr

In the barracks of the "123rd Brigade HV" in Požega, on October 8, 2024, the final competition for the best recruit and recruit of the 43rd generation of volunteer military training was held. This competition represents the culmination of eight weeks of training and an opportunity to showcase the best among the participants through knowledge, skills, and physical fitness tests. Dominik Knežević from Gospić rightfully carried the title of the best recruit, while the title of the best recruit was won by Nataša Radešić from Rijeka. Other participants were also highlighted, such as Antonio Barbić from Zagreb, who achieved the best result in the physical fitness exit exam.

The recruits competed in various disciplines, including shooting with a rifle, navigation using a hand compass, assembling and disassembling weapons, and knowledge of basic military skills. The competition included a polygon with 15 different workstations that were thoroughly evaluated, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of their military capabilities. The competition not only tests physical fitness but also teamwork, reaction speed, and decision-making ability in stressful situations. These are key elements that recruits develop during their training.

The competition for the best recruit and recruit is not just a skills test, but also a powerful motivational tool. The competition leader, Chief Sergeant Krešimir Krešić, emphasized that the contestants demonstrated impressive knowledge in the written test, as well as outstanding skills on the competition track. Krešić pointed out that the support of colleagues from training groups was crucial during the competition, further strengthening the team spirit that had already been developed throughout the previous weeks of training. "Numerous new friendships formed during training only confirmed the camaraderie we build within our ranks," he added.

The training lasted a total of eight weeks and consisted of three phases. The first phase was an adaptation to the military environment, which included physical and mental preparation. The second phase included intensive training in various military skills, such as shooting, military tactics, and individual tasks in simulated combat conditions. In the third, final phase, recruits underwent final checks and administrative tasks related to the completion of training. After training, recruits receive the military-professional specialty of infantry shooter, bringing them one step closer to a professional military career.

Particularly interesting this year is the introduction of a new monthly allowance for recruits, which amounts to 900 euros, representing a significant increase compared to last year's 700 euros. This increase in allowance comes in line with the new regulations that came into effect in March 2024, aimed at further encouraging young people to apply for voluntary military training and providing them with better financial security during their training.

The 43rd generation of volunteer recruits consists of a total of 138 young men and women who will complete their voluntary military training on October 11, 2024. According to instructors, most recruits expressed a desire to continue a military career and will have the opportunity to pursue specialist military training as early as November 2024, after which they will be able to sign their first active military contract and start a professional career within the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia.

This competition, while recognizing the best soldiers among recruits, also has a deeper significance for each participant. It is an opportunity for young people from all over Croatia to gather, share common goals and experiences, and forge friendships that will last even after the completion of military training. As in previous years, the competition was held in a spirit of togetherness and support, while recruits gained invaluable experiences and knowledge that will benefit them in their further military careers.

Heure de création: 09 octobre, 2024
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