Ceremony of completion of the 66th generation of basic NCO training at the NCO School "Damir Tomljanović Gavran"

In the NCO School "Damir Tomljanović Gavran" in Požega, a ceremony was held for the completion of the 66th generation of basic NCO training. 89 participants successfully completed the training and were awarded certificates and certificates.

Ceremony of completion of the 66th generation of basic NCO training at the NCO School "Damir Tomljanović Gavran"
Photo by: HVU/ mup.gov.hr

At the Non-Commissioned Officer School "Damir Tomljanović Gavran" in Požega, on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, a ceremony was held to mark the completion of the 66th generation of the Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course.

The course was successfully completed by 89 participants, who were awarded certificates and diplomas.

Top Participants
The top participant of the 66th generation is Corporal Karlo Davidović, a member of the Military Police Regiment. The second is Corporal Mario Stasjuk, a member of the Guards Armored Mechanized Brigade, while the third is Corporal Domagoj Borković, a member of the Guards Mechanized Brigade.

Commendations for Achievement
The most successful participants of the 66th generation received commendations from the commander of the Croatian Military Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman," Major General Slaven Zdilar, the head of the Center for Military Schools "Petar Zrinski," Colonel Damir Stručić, and the commander of the Non-Commissioned Officer School, Colonel Stjepan Krešić.

Throughout a total of 260 instructional hours, the participants were trained to apply knowledge and practical skills in the field of tactics in conducting the military training process, teaching, and education at the squad level, to effectively manage and maintain the technical-material resources of the squad, and to apply acquired knowledge about the historical development of military organization and tactics through wars in history to the present day.

Training Goals
The goal of the Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course is to acquire knowledge and competencies for successfully performing the duties of a squad/crew commander or carrying out other tasks at organizational positions from sergeant to sergeant first class.

Hora de creación: 27 junio, 2024
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