The advancement of Hrvatski Telekom's 5G network and optical infrastructure enables record data download speed and wider coverage across Croatia, with improvements in all network segments and services

Hrvatski Telekom achieved the best results in history, securing record 5G coverage and expanding optical infrastructure by 25% in 2024. Improved mobile and fixed network performance has enabled a superior user experience for millions of users.

The advancement of Hrvatski Telekom
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Hrvatski Telekom continues to confirm its position as a leader in the telecommunications sector in Croatia, achieving a series of successes in 2024. Its network has recorded historically best results according to Ookla® Speedtest Awards™, with investments in infrastructure further strengthening both its mobile and fixed networks. With a record increase in data traffic, HT demonstrates how continuous investments in technology and infrastructure development deliver concrete results.

Impressive results and stability in mobile network

HT’s mobile network achieved the highest Speed Score™ ever recorded in Croatia, with a score of 148.81, representing a 23% increase compared to the previous year. These results are based on an analysis of over 36 million scans generated by network users across Croatia. Additionally, there is a recorded increase in data download speeds by up to 35%, contributing to an exceptional user experience. Hrvatski Telekom is recognized as the network with the widest coverage, with performance improvements visible across all seven coastal counties, where speeds have increased by 12%.

Increased capacity and 5G network

Hrvatski Telekom has further enhanced its 5G network, which now covers more than two million people. Investments in technology have enabled twice the speeds compared to the previous year, and the number of 5G network users has risen to 900,000, which is 37% more compared to 2023. The deployment of new high-capacity base stations allows for better connectivity, with performance particularly improved in urban and rural areas.

Investments in infrastructure and expansion of optical network

During the first six months of 2024, HT invested 101.5 million euros in network infrastructure across Croatia, with a special focus on enhancing the optical network. These investments resulted in a 25% increase in the FTTH network compared to the previous year, connecting 146 cities and municipalities with gigabit speeds. Along with coverage, average speeds in the fixed network have also increased by 25%, with HT continuing to lead in service quality and speed.

Special attention has been given to the Adriatic, where record data traffic was recorded during the summer months. A total of 1.1 million roamers used HT's network in August 2024, representing a 15% increase compared to the previous year. These results confirm the strong infrastructure and capacity, as well as HT’s readiness for further development and adaptation to user needs.

Development of campus networks and future plans

In order to further develop 5G technology, HT recently signed a contract with Maersk for the establishment of a campus network at the port of Rijeka. This network will be used for monitoring incoming containers and goods, and it is planned to be operational by the spring of 2025. This move demonstrates Hrvatski Telekom’s commitment to advancing technologies that will further enhance business and logistics in key industries.

According to Boris Drilo, Chief Technology and Information Officer, Hrvatski Telekom will continue to invest in infrastructure development, with a special focus on increasing 5G network coverage and expanding optical connections throughout Croatia. By introducing new technologies, such as open network APIs and campus networks, HT plans to further enhance the monetization of the 5G network, creating new revenue streams for the company.

These results reflect Hrvatski Telekom’s ongoing efforts to stay at the forefront of the telecommunications market in Croatia, providing the best service to users regardless of their location.

Heure de création: 12 septembre, 2024
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