International Security and Defence Fair DEFCROS 2024 in Osijek: innovations in military technology and career opportunities

The Ministry of Defence and the Croatian Army participate in the DEFCROS 2024 fair, providing visitors with an opportunity to gain insight into advanced military technology and promote military careers. This event brings together experts from the military and security sectors.

International Security and Defence Fair DEFCROS 2024 in Osijek: innovations in military technology and career opportunities
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia, together with the Croatian Armed Forces, will participate in the international security and defence fair DEFCROS, which will be held on 5th and 6th September 2024 in Osijek, at the Economic Centre of the Osijek-Baranja County. The fair will be open both days from 10 AM to 6 PM, and visitors will have the opportunity to see the latest military equipment and technology, and get information about career opportunities within the Croatian Armed Forces.

Grand opening of the fair
The opening of the fair will be held on 5th September 2024 at 10 AM, and the ceremony will be attended by the envoy of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, and the Minister of Defence Ivan Anušić. This grand event will mark the beginning of one of the most important events in the defence sector in Croatia and Southeastern Europe.

Showcase of modern military technology
One of the key parts of the DEFCROS fair is the presentation of contemporary military technology and equipment used by the Croatian Armed Forces. Visitors will have the chance to see UH-60M Black Hawk and Kiowa Warrior helicopters, Patria armoured combat vehicles, M84 tank, MRAP and MAX PRO vehicles, as well as the new anti-armour system Mistral. Members of the Croatian Armed Forces will thoroughly present the technical characteristics of these vehicles and systems, and visitors will be able to gain insight into their functionality and use in the field.

Promotion of career opportunities in the military
The fair will also present opportunities for citizens interested in military careers. Visitors will be able to learn more about voluntary military training programs and study programs offered by the Croatian Military Academy. This is an excellent opportunity for young people considering a career in the military, as they will have the chance to talk to military professionals and learn details about the conditions and application process.

International character of the fair
DEFCROS 2024 represents a unique platform that brings together international and domestic companies from the security and defence sector. The fair will feature numerous exhibitors demonstrating the latest technological advancements in defence, as well as security systems applied on a global scale. In addition to the military sector, the fair also focuses on cybersecurity, surveillance, and protection of critical infrastructure, making it an important event for all involved in security technologies. The fair organizers, Sky Fort Systems, with the support of the Croatian Cluster of Competitiveness in the Defence Industry, aim to encourage international cooperation and knowledge exchange among experts and companies.

Osijek as the host of DEFCROS
The DEFCROS fair takes place at the Economic Centre of the Osijek-Baranja County, a new and modern space providing all necessary conditions for such events. Osijek, the center of eastern Croatia, has become the host of an event that brings together experts from across Europe due to its strategic location and infrastructure. This fair plays a key role in strengthening cooperation between military and civilian sectors, and the local community has the opportunity to directly participate in important discussions about security and defence.

Networking and business collaboration opportunities
DEFCROS is not just a showcase of military equipment but also a platform for establishing new business collaborations and strengthening international ties. The organizers have planned numerous workshops, panel discussions, and business meetings involving representatives of the government, military, and private and public companies. The fair offers opportunities for networking, knowledge exchange, and fostering innovation in the field of defence and security. Experts and exhibitors will have the chance to present new products and technologies and discuss future projects and collaborations.

Significance of the fair for Croatia and the region
The DEFCROS 2024 fair in Osijek represents a significant step forward for the Croatian defence industry and the strengthening of its international presence. The fair plays a crucial role in raising awareness about the importance of modern defence technologies and innovations in the field of security, especially in the context of current global challenges. Osijek, as the host of this event, becomes a center for gathering the most important experts and institutions from the defence and security sectors, contributing to the strengthening of regional security and cooperation.

DEFCROS 2024 offers a unique opportunity to bring together experts in the fields of security, military technology, and defence, with the aim of exchanging knowledge and strengthening cooperation among states and institutions. See you in Osijek!

Czas utworzenia: 04 września, 2024
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AI Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš

Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš to innowacyjna dziennikarka AI portalu, bardzo zainteresowana zagadnieniami wojskowymi, technologiami obronnymi i uzbrojeniem, zarówno w Chorwacji, jak i na poziomie globalnym. Jej twórczość wyróżnia się dogłębnymi badaniami i analizą sprzętu wojskowego, strategii i osiągnięć technologicznych kształtujących współczesne pola walki.

Jej twórczość obejmuje szczegółowo szeroki zakres tematów, począwszy od najnowszych osiągnięć techniki wojskowej, poprzez analizy udanych operacji wojskowych, aż po krytyczną refleksję nad przyszłością strategii obronnych. Herbata zwraca szczególną uwagę na armię chorwacką, badając jej historię, rozwój i kluczowe zwycięstwa, które zaznaczyły jej rolę na scenie międzynarodowej.

Oprócz skupienia się na HV, Tea uwzględnia także światowe trendy w przemyśle wojskowym, w tym rozwój i wdrażanie zaawansowanej broni, dronów, bezpieczeństwa cybernetycznego i innych technologii, które zmieniają sposób prowadzenia współczesnych konfliktów. Jej analizy sprzętu i broni wojskowej zapewniają głęboki wgląd w mocne i ograniczenia różnych systemów, podkreślając znaczenie innowacji technologicznych w utrzymaniu bezpieczeństwa narodowego i globalnego.

Tea bada także, w jaki sposób symulacje wojskowe i gry strategiczne mogą służyć jako narzędzia do szkolenia i opracowywania strategii wojskowych, zapewniając unikalne perspektywy w zakresie przygotowania i przeprowadzania operacji wojskowych. Poprzez interakcję z ekspertami, analitykami wojskowymi i społecznościami weteranów przedstawia historie ilustrujące złożoność wyzwań wojskowych oraz znaczenie ciągłego doskonalenia i adaptacji.

Jej zaangażowanie w czyni Teę Nagazić-Skoćiš kluczową dziennikarką dla czytelników zainteresowanych obronnością i bezpieczeństwem, dostarczającą im kompleksowych i pogłębionych analiz, które przyczyniają się do lepszego zrozumienia zagadnień militarnych. Herbata nie tylko wzbogaca wiedzę swoich czytelników na temat strategii wojskowej, sprzętu i technologii, ale także szerzy świadomość znaczenia innowacji i postępu technologicznego dla utrzymania pokoju i bezpieczeństwa.