A tragic loss of a member of the Armed Forces in the "123rd HV Brigade" barracks in Požega during basic officer training on September 6, 2024

In the "123rd HV Brigade" barracks in Požega, on September 6, 2024, a member of the Croatian Army suddenly passed away while running after training. Despite immediate medical intervention, the life of the Basic Officer Training student could not be saved

A tragic loss of a member of the Armed Forces in the "123rd HV Brigade" barracks in Požega during basic officer training on September 6, 2024
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

In the barracks "123rd Brigade of the Croatian Army" in Požega, on September 6, 2024, a tragic event occurred that shook the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. A young Croatian Army member, a sergeant born in 1994, who was a student of the Basic Officer Training, passed away. After completing all daily obligations, this student, together with his colleague, decided to go for a run within the military complex. However, during the run, he suddenly fell ill and soon lost consciousness. An immediate reaction from the medical staff was necessary, but despite all efforts, unfortunately, the young soldier died at the scene.

This event deeply affected not only the military circles but also the wider community, as the young sergeant was well respected among his peers. The medical team, which arrived immediately at the scene, did everything possible to try to save the deceased’s life, but resuscitation did not produce the desired results. This sad event brought great sorrow to the deceased’s family, and condolences were expressed by the Minister of Defence Ivan Anušić and the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, General Colonel Tihomir Kundid. Their condolences were extended not only to the family but also to all his colleagues who lost a friend and comrade.

The barracks "123rd Brigade of the Croatian Army", located in Požega, plays an important role in the training and preparation of new personnel for the Croatian Armed Forces. This barracks, named after the famous 123rd Brigade, has a rich history that dates back to the Homeland War, when the brigade participated in key military operations such as Operation Orkan '91, which resulted in the liberation of parts of western Slavonia. Today, the barracks is a center for training recruits from all parts of Croatia, where they undergo rigorous military programs such as the Basic Officer Training, which further emphasizes the importance of this military institution.

The barracks is also known for hosting significant events such as the ceremonial swearing-in of new soldiers and Open Days, which provide an opportunity for civilians to better understand the military units and equipment. Every year, on the occasion of the Croatian Armed Forces Day, events are organized at the barracks that bring together soldiers and citizens, and a holy mass is held in the chapel of St. John the Baptist. This demonstrates how the barracks not only trains new generations of soldiers but also maintains military tradition and connection with the local community. Through its daily activities, the "123rd Brigade of the Croatian Army" maintains an important role in training and logistical support, as well as a place of remembrance for fallen defenders from the Homeland War.

Tragic events like this remind us of the risks and challenges faced by military members, even during routine training. Therefore, the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia emphasize the importance of supporting the families and colleagues of deceased soldiers, to help them cope with such losses. Sympathy and solidarity play a crucial role in overcoming the grief that has affected this military community, and the memory of the deceased member will remain present among his colleagues and friends who continue to uphold the military tradition.

Czas utworzenia: 09 września, 2024
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