Cooperation between Croatia and Denmark in the defence sector and modernisation

Strengthening cooperation between Croatia and Denmark in the defence sector with a focus on modernisation and assistance to Ukraine through joint projects and green technologies

Defense Minister Ivan Anusic met with Danish Ambassador Ole Henrik Frijs-Madsen to further improve cooperation in the defense sector, especially in the context of modernization, assistance to Ukraine and the application of green technologies. Cooperation between Croatian and Danish companies is crucial for the future of defence and security.

Strengthening cooperation between Croatia and Denmark in the defence sector with a focus on modernisation and assistance to Ukraine through joint projects and green technologies
Photo by: MORH/ F. Klen/ hr

The Minister of Defence Ivan Anušić met on September 11, 2024, with the Danish Ambassador Ole Henrik Frijs-Madsen to further strengthen the already solid defense ties between Croatia and Denmark. The main focus of the meeting was on enhancing bilateral cooperation in the field of defense, defense industries, and continuing support for Ukraine within the framework of international efforts. The cooperation between these two countries is consistently evolving, driven by shared interests in security, defense, and humanitarian aid.

Croatia and Denmark in the context of international security

Denmark is recognized as a leading supporter of Ukraine, with Croatia joining in providing significant military aid. Minister Anušić, who has led several key military operations during the Homeland War, highlighted that Croatia has so far donated military equipment to Ukraine worth 185 million euros, including modern systems for protecting soldiers in the field. Denmark, on the other hand, is particularly active in planning the reconstruction of key areas in Ukraine, such as the city of Mykolaiv, where Danish engineers are assisting in rebuilding war-damaged infrastructure. Both countries are also focusing their efforts on sustainable reconstruction, ensuring that the aid provided is not only military but also civilian and humanitarian.

Minister Anušić particularly emphasized that the future of Croatia's defense forces is oriented towards modernization and strategic investments. Although NATO's goal is for member states to allocate 2% of their GDP to defense by 2030, Croatia aims to achieve this target by 2027, and possibly earlier depending on current guidelines and investments. These plans include the procurement of modern air defense systems and strengthening the capabilities of land and naval forces.

Defense industry and technology cooperation

One of the key aspects of the meeting was strengthening cooperation between the defense industries of Croatia and Denmark. Danish companies, which are at the forefront of developing new technologies, are already involved in several projects within Croatia, and new projects include joint research and development of new security and defense systems. Cooperation is particularly important in the context of sustainable solutions, as both countries strive to implement green technologies within their defense capabilities, further reducing the environmental footprint of military operations.

Common challenges in Europe

Denmark and Croatia also share common views on future challenges in Europe, particularly regarding climate change, security threats, and migration. Denmark highlighted the importance of reducing carbon dioxide emissions during COP28, while Croatia is increasingly focusing its efforts on energy independence through the development of green technologies. Security in the digital age and protection of critical infrastructure were also topics of discussion, with both countries working to enhance their cyber defense capabilities.

Along with Minister Anušić, the meeting was attended by high-ranking representatives of the Croatian military, including the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, General Lieutenant Tihomir Kundid. Their presence underscores the importance of this meeting for the future of security and defense cooperation between Croatia and Denmark.


Czas utworzenia: 12 września, 2024

AI Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš

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