School sailing ship "EL MELLAH" 938 in the Split port of Lora as part of a visit to the Croatian Navy

The school sailing ship of the Algerian People's Democratic Republic "EL MELLAH" 938, one of the largest of its kind, landed in the port of Lora in Split on July 18, 2024, as part of an official visit to the Croatian Navy and the city of Split.

School sailing ship "EL MELLAH" 938 in the Split port of Lora as part of a visit to the Croatian Navy
Photo by: HRM/ hr

The school sailing ship of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria "EL MELLAH" 938 docked on July 18, 2024, in the port of Lora in Split, as part of an official visit to the Croatian Navy and the city of Split.

The ship "EL MELLAH" was built at the Polish shipyard Remontowa, located in Gdansk, and has been part of the Algerian Navy since 2017. It is intended for training cadets of the Naval Academy. The ship is 110 meters long, 14 meters wide, has a draft of 5.75 meters, and a displacement of 2800 tons. The crew consists of 328 members, of which 174 are cadets. The ship's commander is Captain Frigate Meraites Zerrouki Ali.

During their stay in Split, which will last until July 21, 2024, the Algerian delegation led by Ambassador Nakhla Kechacha and ship commander Meraites Zerrouki Ali will visit the Croatian Navy Command, where they will be received by Commodore Damir Dojkić.

This is not the first visit of "EL MELLAH" to Split; the ship previously visited the city in July 2021. The sailing ship is one of the largest school ships of its kind in the world. Algeria is one of the few countries that owns such a ship in its navy, with Oman being the other Arab country with the same type of ship.

During their stay in Split, various cultural activities will be organized for the cadets from the ship. Additionally, the ship will be open to visitors, allowing citizens of Split and tourists to tour this impressive sailing ship. The ship's commander and the ambassador will meet with representatives of local military and civilian authorities, further strengthening ties between Croatia and Algeria.

Built with a metal hull, "EL MELLAH" is a three-masted sailing ship that completed its first voyage by entering its home port of Algiers in December 2017. The ship is designed to serve as a training ship for naval cadets, providing them with the necessary experience and knowledge for future careers in the navy.

The visit of this sailing ship provides an opportunity to enhance international cooperation and exchange experiences between the two navies. In addition, the presence of the Algerian ship in Split enriches the cultural and tourist offer of the city, giving citizens and tourists a unique opportunity to tour one of the largest school sailing ships in the world.

This visit is part of a broader program of international cooperation aimed at strengthening relations between Croatia and Algeria. As part of the visit, various activities are planned to allow cadets and the ship's crew to learn about Croatian culture and customs, and to exchange experiences with colleagues from the Croatian Navy.

Czas utworzenia: 20 lipca, 2024
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