Belief in alien visitation is growing: how conspiracy theories affect society and science

The growing belief in extraterrestrial visitation is becoming an increasing challenge to society and science. Despite the lack of evidence, the popularity of UFO conspiracy theories affects trust in institutions and rewrites historical narratives.

Belief in alien visitation is growing: how conspiracy theories affect society and science
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Belief in visits by extraterrestrials to Earth is receiving increasing attention and becoming more widespread. About one-fifth of the citizens of the United Kingdom believe that extraterrestrials have already visited our planet, and about 7% believe they have seen an UFO. In the United States, those numbers are even higher and growing. The number of people who believe that UFO sightings are evidence of extraterrestrial life has risen from 20% in 1996 to 34% in 2022. As many as 24% of Americans claim to have seen an UFO.

This phenomenon is interesting considering that we have no evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials. Moreover, given the vast distances between star systems, it seems odd that we would learn about them only through their visits. It is much more likely that evidence of extraterrestrials would come through signals from distant planets. However, despite the lack of solid evidence, belief in extraterrestrial visits is growing to the point where politicians, at least in the United States, feel pressured to respond.

In April 2024, the release of information on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) by the Pentagon attracted significant attention. This information comes in the context of a long-standing public interest in UFOs, which has seen a significant increase after American authorities opened part of their files to the public. It is particularly interesting that political initiatives for further disclosure of information on UAPs have received bipartisan support in Congress, making this issue even more relevant to the broader public.

In 2023, the Office for the Resolution of Anomalies in All Domains (AARO) was established, tasked with collecting and analyzing reports on UFOs. However, despite the large number of reports, no convincing evidence has yet been found to support theories about extraterrestrial visits. Recent reports from February 2024 clearly stated that there is no evidence confirming the existence of extraterrestrial technologies in the possession of the government or private companies, despite claims by some former Pentagon officials.

All of this information and its dissemination through the media is fueling new conspiracy theories that could further undermine trust in democratic institutions. While some examples, such as calls for an "attack" on Area 51, were initially seen as jokes, real events like the attack on the Capitol in 2021 demonstrate how dangerous these ideas can be.

At the same time, the growing popularity of UFO theories makes legitimate scientific communication about the possibility of finding extraterrestrial life in the form of microorganisms more difficult. Astrobiology, as a science dealing with these questions, faces challenges as it lacks public support and media presence compared to ufology. Popular media, such as the YouTube channel "History," which airs shows about "ancient aliens," have millions of subscribers, while official NASA channels barely reach a few thousand.

One of the problems with these narratives is their tendency to rewrite the history and mythology of indigenous peoples. Stories about extraterrestrials often overlap with ancient myths, reinterpreting them in ways that support ideas about advanced technologies in the possession of these peoples. This phenomenon can suppress authentic traditions and threaten the preservation of genuine historical and cultural narratives.

It is also important to note that the modern narrative about extraterrestrial visits did not originate within indigenous communities but partly arose from attempts to explain complex civilizations that existed before European colonization. Over time, this narrative has been turned into stories that glorify indigenous peoples as once-owners of advanced technology. However, such attempts to reinterpret history often ignore or rewrite real cultural and historical facts.

If all this had remained in the realm of entertainment fiction, it might not have been a problem. However, when such narratives begin to be taken seriously, they can have real and harmful consequences. This is particularly concerning given that these narratives are increasingly blending with conspiracy theories, creating dangerous ignorance that can affect the broader public and their perception of reality.

It is becoming clearer that belief in visits by extraterrestrials is no longer just an entertaining speculation but something with real and potentially dangerous consequences. Whether these claims will ever be proven or disproven, their impact on society is already visible and significant.

Czas utworzenia: 03 września, 2024
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