New autism diagnosis method: TBM technique from the University of Virginia

Revolutionary method for autism diagnosis: using transport-based morphometry for precise detection of genetic variations in the brain

Innovative system developed at the University of Virginia enables precise identification of autism genetic markers in brain scans, paving the way for personalized medicine and earlier treatment

Revolutionary method for autism diagnosis: using transport-based morphometry for precise detection of genetic variations in the brain
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Recent studies, led by Professor Gustavo K. Rohde from the University of Virginia, represent a revolutionary step forward in understanding and diagnosing autism. Their innovative system, based on a technique known as transport-based morphometry (TBM), enables precise identification of genetic autism markers on brain scans, which could lead to a more personalized approach to treating this complex neurological disorder. This technology not only potentially reduces the time needed for diagnosis but also provides insight into genetic factors that have previously been beyond the reach of traditional diagnostic methods.

Advances in genetics and diagnostics
While autism has traditionally been diagnosed through behavioral patterns, this disorder has a strong genetic basis, meaning that a genetic approach could bring revolutionary changes to understanding and treating autism. TBM allows researchers to uncover patterns in brain structure associated with specific genetic variations in an individual’s genetic code, known as copy number variations (CNVs). These genetic variations include duplications or deletions of genetic material and have long been linked to the development of autism.

Transport-based morphometry enables the differentiation of normal biological variations in brain structure from those associated with autism, thereby providing researchers with crucial insights into the biological basis of this disorder. Professor Rohde highlights that understanding how these genetic variations affect brain morphology is a key step in developing new therapeutic methods.

Innovations in medical technology
The TBM technique significantly differs from other image processing methods used in medicine. While most existing methods rely on pattern recognition, TBM uses mathematical models based on actual biological processes. This method allows for precise analysis of the transport of molecules, such as proteins and nutrients, within brain cells, leading to the creation of new, detailed brain images that can be further analyzed. This means that TBM not only identifies genetic variations linked to autism but can also aid in visualizing specific changes in brain structure resulting from these variations.

One of the key advantages of TBM is its ability to differentiate "confounding sources of variability" – genetic variations that do not lead to disease but complicate the understanding of the relationship between genes, the brain, and behavior. This ability to isolate relevant information could allow scientists to bridge the gap between genetic data and actual clinical symptoms, paving the way for new therapies.

Wide application in neuroscience
TBM has already demonstrated exceptional results in autism research, but its application need not be limited to this field. Since 90% of medical data is in the form of images, and much of this data remains underutilized due to the complexity of analysis, TBM could play a crucial role in uncovering new medical insights. According to Rohde, if appropriate mathematical models are applied, significant discoveries that advance the understanding of various neurological disorders could be expected.

Scientists involved in the research used data from the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative, including a group of subjects with genetic variations associated with autism. Control subjects were recruited from other clinical settings, considering factors such as age, sex, dominant hand, and nonverbal IQ, while those with related neurological disorders or a family history of such disorders were excluded from the study.

New perspectives in autism treatment
Research like this opens new perspectives in the treatment of autism. TBM's ability to precisely identify localized changes in brain morphology associated with CNVs could point to specific brain regions and mechanisms that might be used to develop new therapeutic methods. This method not only allows for earlier detection of autism but may also help identify targeted therapies tailored to an individual's genetic profile.

TBM represents a significant advance in personalized medicine, allowing doctors to diagnose and treat autism more accurately based on genetic data, rather than relying on behavioral symptoms. As the technique evolves and becomes more accessible, it could bring changes across a range of neurological disorders, from autism to other conditions affecting the brain.

This research exemplifies how the combination of advanced mathematical models and medical imaging can open new pathways in understanding and treating complex neurological disorders. The transport-based morphometry technique is not just a tool for analyzing images; it is a potential key to unlocking new insights that could revolutionize medicine. With support from the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Radiological Society of North America, and the Simons Foundation, the research team continues to explore the possibilities of TBM, with the hope that their findings will one day lead to a better understanding of autism and other neurological disorders.

Source: University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science


Czas utworzenia: 30 sierpnia, 2024

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