Arrest of international fugitive from Serbia in Zagreb: police action resulted in the arrest of four foreign nationals

Zagreb police have arrested a 48-year-old fugitive from Serbia in Sesvete, along with three other foreign nationals, including two from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The action resulted in the initiation of extradition proceedings for the fugitive and an indictment for drug possession.

Arrest of international fugitive from Serbia in Zagreb: police action resulted in the arrest of four foreign nationals
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In Zagreb on September 2, 2024, a police operation was carried out in which a 48-year-old citizen of the Republic of Serbia was arrested in Sesvete. He is a person for whom an international arrest warrant was issued by Interpol for escaping from prison in Serbia, where he was supposed to serve a prison sentence for committing criminal offenses. Along with him, three other foreign nationals were arrested, including two citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and one citizen of Montenegro.

During the police operation, the 48-year-old fugitive was found in a house together with a 22-year-old citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina and a 34-year-old citizen of Montenegro, who were also arrested for illegal stay in Croatia. Additionally, there was also a 19-year-old citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the house, who had 3.9 grams of marijuana. His residence status in Croatia was regulated, but he will face a criminal charge for violating the Drug Abuse Prevention Act.

According to available information, the fugitive from Serbia, after his arrest, was transported to the County Court in Zagreb to initiate the extradition procedure. The arrest is the result of cooperation between several international institutions, including Interpol, which issued a "red notice" for this individual. This event reflects increasing international cooperation in the fight against organized crime and fugitives attempting to evade justice by hiding in other countries.

This case serves as a reminder of a series of similar incidents in the region, including recent cases where regional police forces collaborated in the arrest of fugitives connected to serious criminal offenses, such as terrorist attacks and organized crime. Such cases often require coordination between multiple countries and international bodies, and the results of such operations demonstrate their effectiveness in combating cross-border crime.

The operation in Sesvete also demonstrated the determination of Croatian authorities to respond quickly and effectively to threats posed by foreign nationals with illegal stays or those who are fleeing the law in their home countries. The arrest of these individuals represents an important step in strengthening security and the rule of law in Croatia.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 September, 2024
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