North Korea launches new ballistic missiles, threatening the security of the Korean Peninsula and escalating regional tensions

North Korea is stepping up military activity by launching ballistic missiles, provoking harsh reactions from Japan and South Korea. Regional allies are intensifying defence measures.

North Korea launches new ballistic missiles, threatening the security of the Korean Peninsula and escalating regional tensions
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

North Korea has once again provoked global tensions by launching ballistic missiles on October 26, 2024, as part of ongoing military provocations carried out by Kim Jong-un's regime for months. The missiles were launched from the Pyongan area towards the eastern sea, with confirmation from the South Korean and Japanese militaries, which detected the flights over the Korean Peninsula. This act comes at a time when Kim Jong-un emphasizes the need to strengthen nuclear and conventional military power to deter threats from South Korea, Japan, and the United States.

Regional Security Threat

Experts from South Korea and Japan warn that such moves represent a significant threat to the stability of the region. The South Korean military, together with American allies, monitors every activity of North Korea, and their defense systems are fully prepared to respond to any provocation. According to estimates by Japanese defense analysts, the latest North Korean missiles reached an altitude of 50 kilometers and covered a distance of over 300 kilometers before falling into the sea, outside Japan's economic zone.

Kim Jong-un has emphasized that such exercises are conducted to ensure the military's readiness for a swift and precise response if necessary. In this context, the North Korean leader praised the progress in developing a new series of ballistic missiles, Hwasongpho-11-Da-4.5, which are equipped with a super-large conventional warhead. KCNA, the state agency of North Korea, reported that these missiles are part of a long-term plan to enhance the country's military capabilities, and launches are carried out to test their effectiveness under real conditions.

Impact on Geopolitical Stability

South Korea and the United States are conducting joint military exercises in the region aimed at deterring North Korea from further aggressive actions. Pyongyang interprets these activities as preparations for war, while allied forces claim that the maneuvers are purely defensive in nature. Kim Jong-un stated that North Korea will not tolerate "aggressive" military activities near its territory and will continue to develop offensive capabilities to ensure national security.

The Japanese government has strongly condemned the North Korean launches as violations of international security resolutions and a threat to regional security. The Japanese Minister of Defense stated that such acts are a clear sign of escalation and announced additional measures aimed at strengthening Japan's missile defense system. Allied cooperation between South Korea, Japan, and the U.S. has intensified, with joint operations being conducted to monitor and collect data on every North Korean test.

North Korea and Russia Connection

These launches come at a time of strengthening military ties between North Korea and Russia. Analysts in the region believe that Pyongyang is using this alliance to improve its own military capabilities, and there are reports of North Korean weapons and military equipment being sent to Russia. While both countries deny any illegal arms trade, independent sources suggest that North Korean missile systems may be used in conflicts in Ukraine, further complicating the geopolitical situation.

The North Korean regime is persistently developing its missile systems despite sanctions and international condemnations. Just this year, North Korea has conducted dozens of tests, and experts warn that nuclear testing could occur if the current trend continues. South Korean and American allies assert that they are prepared to respond to any form of threat, emphasizing the importance of joint defense measures and early warning systems.

Czas utworzenia: 26 października, 2024
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