Ministry of Tourism and Sports launches e-consultation on destination management and tourism sustainability regulations

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports has launched an e-consultation on ordinances related to the calculation of reception capacity, destination management plan and indicators for monitoring tourism sustainability.

Ministry of Tourism and Sports launches e-consultation on destination management and tourism sustainability regulations
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The Ministry of Tourism and Sports has initiated the process of e-consultation with the public on draft proposals of regulations related to the methodology for calculating carrying capacity, the creation of a destination management plan, and indicators for monitoring the development and sustainability of tourism.

These regulations, defined by the Tourism Law, will enable local communities to more clearly define and profile their tourist destinations. For example, cities and municipalities will be able to decide whether they want to be a four or five-star destination and manage accommodation capacities. They will also be able to limit the issuance of permits for certain types of accommodation and hospitality facilities if the carrying capacity calculation shows the need. This option will be available even at the level of individual streets.

The draft proposal of the regulation on the methodology for calculating carrying capacity defines the capacity of a destination as the number of tourists who can visit the destination simultaneously without causing unacceptable disruptions to the physical, economic, and socio-cultural environment and reducing visitor satisfaction. The calculation of carrying capacity is conducted by tourist boards in cooperation with local self-government units classified in the I. and II. category according to the Tourism Development Index (TDI). Based on these calculations, recommendations are made to mitigate the differences between the current state and desired changes.

The draft proposal of the regulation on the methodology for creating a destination management plan focuses on creating the plan as a key document for the development of a sustainable destination. This plan includes the methodology of preparation, situation analysis, inclusion of key stakeholders, and the definition of significant projects. The plan is aligned with strategic planning acts, spatial plans, and cultural heritage management plans.

The draft proposal of the regulation on indicators for monitoring the development and sustainability of tourism prescribes indicators for calculating the tourism development index and a list of mandatory and specific indicators for monitoring sustainability. These indicators enable precise monitoring of tourism development at the local level, which will help decision-makers base their decisions on relevant data.

Local self-government units are enabled to make decisions on the number, type, and category of hospitality facilities and accommodation capacities in accordance with the destination management plan and spatial plans. All decisions must be based on the calculation of carrying capacities to ensure the sustainability and quality of life of the local population.

Along with these regulations, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports is also conducting various educational programs for local tourist boards to ensure the proper application of new regulations. The education includes workshops, seminars, and online courses that help understand and implement new guidelines in practice.

Additionally, as part of the sustainable tourism development project, the ministry plans to establish a platform for continuous monitoring and evaluation of tourist activities. This platform will enable real-time data collection, which will further facilitate the adaptation and planning of tourist activities in line with sustainability principles.

The e-consultation process with interested public for all three draft proposals of regulations will be open until August 25, 2024.

Czas utworzenia: 30 lipca, 2024
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