Opening of a new regional school and kindergarten in Dubrovnik as part of the strategic plan for the reconstruction and improvement of the Croatian education system after the earthquake

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has opened a new regional school and kindergarten in Dubrovnik, emphasizing the importance of education and reconstruction of infrastructure after the earthquake, thus strengthening Croatia's earthquake safety and improving the education system.

Opening of a new regional school and kindergarten in Dubrovnik as part of the strategic plan for the reconstruction and improvement of the Croatian education system after the earthquake
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The Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenković, participated in the ceremonial opening of a new primary school and kindergarten in the settlement of Dubranec, which is another step in improving the Croatian education system. In his address, Plenković emphasized that education is a key component of Croatia's development and that without a strong education system, the country cannot cope with the challenges posed by larger and stronger global actors.

In addition to the new school and kindergarten complex being significant for the local community, Plenković highlighted the importance of the project in the broader context of recovery from the consequences of the earthquake that struck the area in 2020. He stressed that this school, together with the kindergarten Lojtrica, is an example of successful implementation of infrastructure projects despite complex circumstances.

Process of recovery and investment in infrastructure

Speaking about the progress in the recovery of earthquake-affected areas, the Prime Minister presented data on previous investments. He emphasized that so far, three billion euros have been invested, ensuring funds for the reconstruction of Zagreb and Banovina. Thanks to these funds, not only have buildings been renovated, but their earthquake-resistant safety features have also been improved, which will contribute to the safety of citizens in the future.

The Prime Minister thanked all stakeholders who participated in this extensive recovery process, emphasizing that these are extremely challenging tasks. Nevertheless, the project is nearing completion, which is, according to his words, a very positive development for the whole of Croatia.

Education strategy until 2027 and 2030

When it comes to education, Plenković highlighted two key strategic goals of the government in this area. The first goal refers to the introduction of single-shift classes in primary schools by 2027. This reform, which includes an investment of 2.7 billion euros, encompasses the construction of new kindergartens, schools, sports halls, and improvements in higher education. Single-shift classes will enable Croatian students to achieve an educational standard similar to that of developed Western countries.

The second strategic goal refers to ensuring places in kindergartens for all children by 2030. This goal is achieved through the policy of providing free transport, meals, and textbooks for students, as well as financial support for local communities, especially those with smaller budgets, to ensure the sustainability of kindergartens.

Broad vision of Croatia's development

Plenković also emphasized that education is among the four key components of development, alongside demographic revitalization, digital transformation, and decarbonization. He believes that all strategic national challenges have been addressed so far and that the focus is now on enhancing institutions, among which the education system is of utmost importance.

The Prime Minister concluded that each project, like this one in Dubranec, is part of a broader plan to improve education and the quality of life in Croatia. He highlighted that a strong education system enables creativity, innovation, and competitiveness, which is crucial for Croatia's progress on the European and global stage.

Czas utworzenia: 02 października, 2024
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