Plenkovic on 1.6 percent inflation in September: the lowest inflation rate in Croatia in the last three years

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic commented on the latest inflation data, which amount to 1.6 percent for September, which is the lowest level in the last three years. He emphasized that it was important for food prices to become real and that GDP growth was expected at the level of 3.6 percent for 2024.

Plenkovic on 1.6 percent inflation in September: the lowest inflation rate in Croatia in the last three years
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The Prime Minister Andrej Plenković commented on the latest data from the Croatian Bureau of Statistics indicating an inflation rate of 1.6 percent in September, which represents the lowest level of inflation in the last three years. He emphasized that the trend of decreasing inflation is very positive, but highlighted that it is crucial for food prices to become realistic.

The Prime Minister believes that the service and food product sectors still feel the effects of the tourist season, resulting in a certain increase in prices in that area. He recalled government projections predicting a growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of around 3.6 percent throughout 2024, while annual inflation should be approximately three percent.

Plenković noted that efforts will be made to reduce inflation in 2025, provided that economic growth remains at a high level. "The most important thing is to keep pace with the countries that became EU members ten years before us and to reach around 82 percent of the EU development average by the end of this mandate," the Prime Minister stated.

He stressed that significant progress has been made in GDP growth this year, expressing confidence that Croatia, with a growth of 76 percent of the average, will soon reach 78 percent of the EU development average.

In response to a question about the reasons for maintaining seasonal toll prices, Plenković explained that Croatian highways provided an explanation, emphasizing that these prices are determined by maintenance needs.

"I think these are minor differences and I don't expect major difficulties in this regard," he added.

The goal of this government is for the average pension to reach at least 750 euros by the end of the mandate. The Prime Minister commented on recent protests by pensioners, emphasizing that the government will listen to their demands and noted that the organizer of today’s protest is the Block of Pensioners party, which supports the President of the Republic, Zoran Milanović.

"I find it somewhat amusing that they support someone who, as Prime Minister, has done nothing while we have a government that continuously increases, helps, and provides aid packages," Plenković said.

He also addressed this morning’s meeting with representatives of pensioners, including the Pensioners' Union with around 30,000 members and the Pensioners' Association with about 300,000 members, with whom an Agreement on the establishment of the National Council for Pensioners and the Elderly was signed.

Plenković reiterated everything the government has done for pensioners so far and emphasized that the goal is for the average pension to reach 750 euros, while a more realistic expectation is for it to approach 800 euros.

"We will continue to work on improving the quality of life for pensioners," the Prime Minister promised.

In the context of support measures, he mentioned assistance for pensioners during crises, as well as frozen prices of energy and basic necessities.

Regarding recent accusations against Veljko Kajtazi, Plenković stated that it was a surprise for him and announced that he would meet with him at a coalition meeting if he appears. "We will not bring down the government due to such situations," he emphasized.

He also commented on the possibility of introducing military service, noting that minor amendments are needed in two laws, which are still being worked on in the Ministry of Defense.

Czas utworzenia: 02 października, 2024
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