Agreement signed on the establishment of a national council for pensioners and the elderly in order to improve the quality of life of pensioners by increasing pensions and developing new centers for the elderly

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic attended the signing of the agreement on the establishment of the National Council for Pensioners and the Elderly, with the aim of improving the pension system and increasing the quality of life of pensioners.

Agreement signed on the establishment of a national council for pensioners and the elderly in order to improve the quality of life of pensioners by increasing pensions and developing new centers for the elderly
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The Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenković, participated in the signing of the agreement to establish the National Council for Pensioners and Older Persons in Banski Dvori. Present at this important event was also the Minister of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy, Marin Piletić. This ceremony was held on the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, celebrated every year on October 1st, and the Prime Minister took this opportunity to congratulate all citizens of the third age on their day.

Plenković emphasized that this agreement is already the third of its kind during this government's mandate, demonstrating a commitment to continuous dialogue with representatives of pensioner organizations and associations. The National Council for Pensioners and Older Persons acts as an advisory body that ensures direct contact and communication between pensioner groups and state institutions, with a special focus on improving the status of older persons.

One of the key topics of the agreement is the improvement of the pension system. Plenković pointed out that the primary goal of the government is to increase pensions so that they are as adequate as possible and enable a better quality of life for pensioners. Through this initiative, further care for pensioners is planned, including improving the social and healthcare services available to them.

Demographic changes and the pension system

Croatia is facing challenges related to the aging population, and Plenković reminded that the number of pensioners in the country is continuously increasing. Considering this trend, it is extremely important for the government to work with pensioner organizations to create policies that will improve the position of pensioners and older persons in society. Special attention is directed towards intergenerational solidarity and strengthening the pension system.

Significant increase in pensions in recent years

The Prime Minister highlighted that pensions in Croatia have significantly increased in recent years. The average pension for August 2024 amounts to 620 euros, which is 73.3 percent more than in 2016. The minimum pension during this period is 394 euros, representing an increase of 89 percent. The ZOMO pension, which refers to long-term insured persons, amounts to 571 euros, a growth of 72 percent compared to 2016.

The Prime Minister also pointed out that the average old-age pension for persons with 40 or more years of service now exceeds 900 euros. Additionally, during this government’s mandate, a national allowance was introduced for those who have not acquired the right to a pension. Furthermore, changes to the Pension Insurance Act from 2023 have allowed for an increase in family pensions by 10 percent and the use of part of the family pension along with the personal pension.

Investment in centers for older persons

Plenković reminded that as of April 2023, the additional health contribution of three percent for 32,000 pensioners has been abolished. Moreover, the government is currently building 18 new centers for older persons across Croatia. Although funds from European sources were initially allocated for the construction of only eight centers, the government decided to secure additional resources to build all 18 centers, aiming to enhance care for the elderly.

The Prime Minister announced new initiatives such as redefining formulas for pension adjustment, introducing an annual pension supplement, and increasing the additional service time for each child from the current six months to one year. Other measures are also planned to ensure a dignified life for pensioners and improve their standard of living.

Cooperation with pensioner organizations

The President of the Croatian Pensioners' Association, Višnja Fortuna, expressed satisfaction with the cooperation with the government and relevant ministries, emphasizing that through joint efforts, further improvements in the position of pensioners can be achieved. Additionally, the President of the Trade Union of Pensioners of Croatia, Jasna A. Petrović, noted that Croatia is the only country in the region that has established a body like the National Council for Pensioners, enabling direct dialogue between pensioners and the government, which is crucial for ensuring their rights.

Prime Minister Plenković concluded that the government will continue to provide all prerequisites for a better quality of life for older persons, and announced the adoption of a new Declaration for Older Persons and the enactment of the first Law on Older Persons in modern Croatia. The goal of all these measures is to increase pensions to at least 750 euros by 2028, as well as to continuously improve the standard of living for pensioners.

Czas utworzenia: 02 października, 2024
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