Landing ship HS "CHIOS" (L-173) of the Hellenic Republic Navy is staying in Split from 29 July to 1 August 2024, visiting the Croatian Navy and city authorities

The landing ship HS "CHIOS" (L-173) from the Greek Navy arrived in Split on July 29, 2024 as part of bilateral military cooperation. The ship will remain in the military port of Lora until 1 August 2024, providing an opportunity to exchange experiences with the Croatian Navy.

Landing ship HS "CHIOS" (L-173) of the Hellenic Republic Navy is staying in Split from 29 July to 1 August 2024, visiting the Croatian Navy and city authorities
Photo by: HRM/ hr

The landing ship HS “CHIOS” (L-173) of the Hellenic Republic Navy visited the Croatian Navy and the city of Split from July 29 to August 1, 2024, as part of the bilateral military cooperation between Croatia and Greece.

During the visit, the ship docked at the naval base Lora, where it was received with a special ceremony. This visit strengthens the relations between the two navies and provides an opportunity for the exchange of experiences and expertise in the field of naval operations.

The landing ship HS “CHIOS” belongs to the Jason class and was built in 1988 at the renowned Elefsis Shipyard in Greece. With a displacement capacity of 4,400 tons, a length of 116 meters, and a width of 15.5 meters, the ship is capable of significant amphibious operations. It has a draft of 5 meters and achieves a maximum speed of 16 knots, which allows it flexibility in various operational conditions.

The ship's commander, Captain Panteleimon Sideris, leads a crew of 237 members. This crew includes 18 officers, 65 petty officers and sailors, and 154 cadets. With such a large crew, the ship can conduct complex operations and provide support for various missions.

The ship is named “CHIOS” after the Greek island located in the northern Aegean Sea, known for its rich history and significant cultural heritage. Chios Island is the fifth largest in Greece and the tenth in the Mediterranean, and its name symbolizes a long maritime tradition and Greece's connection to the sea.

The Jason class ships, including HS “CHIOS”, are designed to perform amphibious operations. They can embark up to 300 personnel, 17 amphibious combat vehicles, 15 trucks, and one helicopter. This capability allows them to provide crucial support in field operations, including the embarkation of troops and supplies in coastal areas.

The visit of the landing ship HS “CHIOS” to the Croatian Navy and Split is a significant step in strengthening military ties and cooperation between the two countries. During the stay, various bilateral meetings and joint activities are planned, which will facilitate mutual training and exchange of experiences.

Such international visits are not only an opportunity to establish and strengthen professional relations but also to promote understanding and cooperation among nations on a global level. This event highlights the importance of international military connections and joint efforts in maintaining stability and security.

For the Croatian Navy, the visit of the Jason class ship also provides an opportunity to gain insight into the most modern technologies and tactics used by the Hellenic Republic Navy, which can contribute to the enhancement of its own operational capabilities.

The continued cooperation between Croatia and Greece in maritime affairs will only further strengthen the ties between the two countries and enable further joint projects and initiatives that will benefit mutual security and stability.

Czas utworzenia: 30 lipca, 2024
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