Advent in Petrinja 2024: rich program, tradition and holiday atmosphere for all generations

From 29 November 2024 to 6 January 2025 Petrinja will become a holiday center with Advent in Petrinja, an event that offers diverse content for all ages, including cultural, entertainment and gastronomic events. Don't miss the magic of the holidays in the heart of Croatia!

Advent in Petrinja 2024: rich program, tradition and holiday atmosphere for all generations
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

From November 29, 2024, to January 6, 2025, Petrinja will transform into the center of festive joy through the event "Advent in Petrinja." This traditional celebration brings a rich program designed for all generations, combining cultural, entertainment, and spiritual activities that will enrich the holiday season.

Holiday Program for the Youngest

For the youngest visitors, a variety of activities are prepared to encourage creativity and community. Creative workshops will allow children to express their imagination through making Christmas decorations and greeting cards. The arrival of Saint Nicholas and Moto Božićnjak will bring additional excitement, along with appropriate gifts and surprises. Children's theater performances will provide an educational and entertaining dimension, while the ice rink will be a favorite place for recreation and socializing.

Cultural and Musical Events for Adults

Adults will be able to enjoy a rich cultural program that includes concerts of various musical genres, from classical music to contemporary performances. Book promotions will provide opportunities to meet authors and get acquainted with new works. The city park, located in the heart of Petrinja, will be adorned with sparkling decorations, creating a magical holiday atmosphere ideal for walks and family gatherings.

Special Events and New Year's Eve Celebration

This year, special attention is given to the New Year's Eve celebration. A celebration has been organized for children and youth in the afternoon, tailored to their needs and interests. In the evening hours, visitors will be entertained by the popular group Ruswaj, who will usher Petrinjans and guests into the year 2025 with their performance. A cheerful atmosphere filled with music, dance, and communal celebration is expected.

Invitation to Celebrate Together

Advent in Petrinja offers a unique opportunity for joint celebration, socializing, and creating unforgettable memories. The organizers invite all citizens and visitors to join in the celebration of this special period, enjoying a rich program and holiday magic that will fill the streets and squares of Petrinja.

Advent Program in Petrinja 2024.

  • 29.11. (Friday): 09:30 – Decorating the Christmas tree in the Center of New Life

  • 1.12. (Sunday): 11:00 – Lighting the first Advent candle in the Church of St. Lawrence

  • 5.12. (Thursday): 17:00 – "Sokić and Kistić," an art-creative workshop for children in the Center of New Life; 19:00 – Book promotion "The Secret of the Old Lime Tree" by Bojana Novaković in the City Hall

  • 6.12. (Friday): 16:00 – Arrival of St. Nicholas at the Strossmayer Promenade; 18:00 – Book promotion "Croatian Woman – Guardians of Petrinja's Heritage" in POU Croatian Home

  • 7.12. (Saturday): 17:00 – Christmas concert by Petrinja's majorettes in POU Croatian Home

  • 8.12. (Sunday): 18:00 – Premiere of the documentary film "Folk Custom - Making of Bonnets (Women's Headwear)" in POU Croatian Home

  • 11.12. (Wednesday): 19:00 – Concert by the ensemble Harmonija Disonance in the City Hall

  • 12.12. (Thursday): 17:00 – "Sokić and Kistić," an art-creative workshop for children in the Center of New Life; 18:00 – Presentation of the picture book "Look, the Lion is in the Stall!" in the City Hall; 19:00 – Theater play "People Are Actually Good" in POU Croatian Home

  • 14.12. (Saturday): 19:00 – Christmas concert "Let's Go to Bethlehem City" by FA Petrinjčica in POU Croatian Home; 19:30 – Festive concert on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of HPD Slavulj Petrinja in the Church of St. Lawrence

  • 15.12. (Sunday): 14:00 – Arrival of Moto Božićnjak MKV Petrinja at the Strossmayer Promenade; 16:00 – Children's performances "Janko Wanders Along the Christmas Path" and "Flame" at the Strossmayer Promenade

  • 16.12. (Monday): 19:00 – Presentation of the book "Just Delicious – Petrinja's Traditional Dishes" in the City Hall

  • 19.12. (Thursday): 17:00 – Theater play for children "Šapica" in POU Croatian Home; 18:00 – Pre-Christmas concert of school choirs and the City Children's Choir HPD Slavulj Petrinja in the City Hall

  • 20.12. (Friday): 17:00 – Children's film festival in POU Croatian Home

  • 21.12. (Saturday): 09:00-14:00 – Christmas fair "Tominje in Petrinja" at the Strossmayer Promenade; 17:00 – Children's film festival in POU Croatian Home; 20:00 – New Year's dance ball by the dance club SPK Petrinia in the Mate Lovrak Elementary School sports hall

  • 22.12. (Sunday): 17:00 – Children's film festival in POU Croatian Home; 19:00 – Live nativity scene "Joy of the Prophet" at the Strossmayer Promenade

  • 24.12. (Tuesday): 20:00 – Children's midnight mass in the Church of St. Lawrence; 00:00 – Midnight mass in the Church of St. Lawrence

  • 25.12. (Wednesday): 09:00, 11:00, 18:00 – Holy Mass in the Church of St. Lawrence

  • 27.-28.12. (Friday and Saturday): 17:00 – Christmas-New Year tournament in small football "Mato Pavleković-Mata" in the Mate Lovrak Elementary School sports hall

  • 29.12. (Sunday): 19:00 – Theater play "Head Up" in POU Croatian Home

  • 30.12. (Monday): 19:30 – Festive concert GLG Petrinja with guests Klapa Kolapjani and Gelato Sisters in the Mate Lovrak Elementary School sports hall

  • 31.12. (Tuesday): 11:00 – New Year's Eve celebration for children and youth in the Center of New Life; 22:30 – New Year's Eve celebration with the group Ruswaj in the Center of New Life

  • 20.12.2024. – 06.01.2025.: Ice rink open to all visitors in the Center of New Life

Diversity of Holiday Content

In addition to Petrinja being filled with music, entertainment, and light decorations during the Advent period, the event also prides itself on offering traditional customs and local gastronomy. The holiday fair at the Strossmayer Promenade will allow visitors to taste local specialties, find unique handicrafts, and enjoy warm beverages. All generations will be able to find something for themselves, from decoration workshops to the communal decorating of the Christmas tree.

Sustainable Advent in Petrinja

This year, special emphasis is placed on sustainability and ecological awareness. The use of natural materials in making decorations, promoting local products, and encouraging the community to behave responsibly are just some of the organizers' goals. Advent in Petrinja aims to be an example of how tradition can be combined with modern approaches to environmental preservation.

Connection of Tradition and Modern Entertainment

While tradition remains at the center of attention, Advent in Petrinja successfully introduces modern elements of entertainment. Live nativity scenes, film festivals, and contemporary music concerts allow every visitor to find activities that match their interests. Through a diverse program, the event aims to connect the community and visitors, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Petrinja, with this program, confirms itself as a destination that not only preserves its traditions but also adapts the holiday spirit to modern trends. The Advent in Petrinja event represents the perfect opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy the true magic of the holidays.

Czas utworzenia: 28 listopada, 2024
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Badanie i Promocja Turystycznych Skarbów Praca Any obejmuje wszystkie aspekty turystyki – od odkrywania ukrytych turystycznych skarbów po promowanie znanych atrakcji na całym świecie. Jej artykuły zabierają czytelników w podróż przez kulturalne zabytki, naturalne piękności i wszystko, co różne destynacje mają do zaoferowania. Ze szczególnym naciskiem na lokalne festiwale, tradycyjne wydarzenia i gastronomiczne przysmaki, Ana podkreśla bogactwo i różnorodność globalnej turystyki.

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