Advent events in the municipality of Dobrinj: cycling and donor advent on the island of Krk

Advent in the municipality of Dobrinj brings a unique blend of recreation, entertainment and humanitarian spirit. In addition to cycling in Klimno and donor advent in Polje, a rich program with gastronomic offer and music awaits you.

Advent events in the municipality of Dobrinj: cycling and donor advent on the island of Krk
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The Advent in the Municipality of Dobrinj once again brings a rich and diverse program that will satisfy visitors of all generations, emphasizing the festive spirit of togetherness and humanitarian action. The central events include the Advent bicycle ride in Klimno and the Donors' Advent in Polje, along with a series of accompanying activities that will further enrich the holiday atmosphere on the island of Krk.

Advent Bicycle Ride – Enjoying nature and the festive atmosphere

The Advent bicycle ride, organized in cooperation with USR Kivna, will take place on Saturday, December 14, 2024. This unique sporting event, originally planned for December 8, will provide participants with the opportunity for an active rest and to enjoy the natural beauty of the island of Krk. The ride will follow the Klimno-Šilo-Klimno route, which runs along the seashore and offers stunning landscapes.

The start is scheduled for 11:00 AM at the pier in Klimno, and the organizers invite all cyclists, recreational athletes, and nature enthusiasts to arrive on time and become part of this special ride. The route is suitable for all ages and levels of physical fitness, making this event ideal for families, friends, and individuals who want to spend a day outdoors.

After the bicycle ride, at 1:00 PM, the G-major trio will perform at the same location, and their musical performance will further contribute to a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. A selection of drinks and snacks will be provided for participants and visitors so that everyone can enjoy the true Advent spirit.

Donors' Advent in Polje – A fusion of tradition and humanitarian action

On Sunday, December 15, 2024, the holiday program will move to Polje, where the Donors' Advent will take place. The program begins immediately after the Holy Mass, and from 12:00 PM at the Square in front of the community center Polje, visitors can expect a rich cultural and entertainment content. The children's choir of the Dobrinj Primary School will open the event with a performance of Christmas carols, while the school's theater section will perform a play that will delight visitors of all ages.

The holiday atmosphere will be further enhanced by a rich gastronomic offer, which includes traditional specialties such as mulled wine, fritters, sausages, sour cabbage, hunters' goulash, and other delicacies. Additionally, visitors will have the opportunity to view and purchase creative works made by children from the Polje Branch Kindergarten, and all proceeds from the sales will be donated to humanitarian causes.

The musical part of the program will be provided by VIS Petrići, the Folk Singers of Kaštel Lukšić, and Pegla Band, whose performances will ensure top-notch entertainment and a true musical experience. The organizers emphasize that this event is an opportunity for a joint gathering and support for those who need help the most.

Holiday Spirit in the Municipality of Dobrinj

The Advent events in the Municipality of Dobrinj are an opportunity for all visitors to feel the warmth of togetherness, participate in humanitarian actions, and enjoy a rich cultural and entertainment program. The organizers have put a lot of effort into making the program diverse, attractive, and suitable for all ages, while promoting the values of solidarity and togetherness.

We invite everyone to join these events, support noble initiatives, and together celebrate the most beautiful time of the year in the unique environment of the island of Krk.

Czas utworzenia: 12 grudnia, 2024
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