How Nin promotes cultural heritage and peace through tourism and education: educational guides, international awards and cooperation for sustainable development on the occasion of World Tourism Day

The city of Nin uses tourism and educational projects to encourage young people and visitors to preserve cultural heritage. Cooperation with the local community and international recognition strengthen its tourist offer.

How Nin promotes cultural heritage and peace through tourism and education: educational guides, international awards and cooperation for sustainable development on the occasion of World Tourism Day
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

World Tourism Day each year represents an opportunity to highlight the importance of tourism in connecting people and promoting peace. This year, with the theme "Tourism and Peace," the focus is on tourism as a tool for strengthening global understanding, peace, and cooperation. Nin, a town with a rich history, has joined the global celebration by organizing events with a special emphasis on local history and culture.

As part of the celebration, in collaboration with the Petar Zoranić Nin Primary School, a costumed tour for eighth-grade students was organized. Guides dressed as characters from Petar Zoranić and fairies from his work "Mountains" conveyed the history of Nin in a unique way, encouraging young people to better understand the cultural heritage of their town. This educational initiative aims to inspire young people’s interest in history and cultural heritage, equipping them to become promoters of their town in the future. Through this event, students had the opportunity to learn about the importance of tourism for preserving local traditions and identity.

Nin's Cultural Offer Through Guided Tours

During July and August, Nin offers free costumed tours titled "Petar Zoranić Ninjanin takes you through the history of the royal town of Nin." These tours are available in Croatian, English, and German, enabling tourists from around the world to discover the history and heritage of this royal town. This project has been recognized and awarded in 2021 with the prestigious Simply the Best award for its creativity and quality in promoting cultural heritage.

Tourism in Nin is based on authentic experiences that connect history and culture with modern tourism trends. This type of tourism not only attracts visitors but also educates the local population about the importance of preserving heritage. Through its activities during World Tourism Day, the town of Nin further stimulated interest in local history and natural heritage, with the streets filled with tourists, cyclists, and walkers enjoying the special atmosphere.

The Importance of World Tourism Day for the Local Community

World Tourism Day, celebrated on September 27, is an important date for many Croatian towns. Nin takes this opportunity to promote its cultural heritage and raise awareness about the significance of sustainable tourism. As part of this event, numerous activities are organized, including costumed tours, educational workshops, and interactive tours. Besides students, many tourists wishing to better understand the town's history participated in these activities.

Furthermore, the Croatian tourism industry increasingly recognizes the significance of sustainable tourism as a key factor for long-term development. The Government of the Republic of Croatia has been working in recent years on implementing legislative frameworks that support sustainable tourism development. New laws and regulations, such as those concerning destination management, are an important step in ensuring sustainable tourism, thereby strengthening the economic and ecological stability of destinations like Nin.

Collaboration Between the Local Community and Educational Institutions

The collaboration between the Tourist Board of the town of Nin and the Petar Zoranić Primary School has shown remarkable results over the years. Through educational programs, students are encouraged to actively participate in preserving their town's cultural heritage. This year, students had the opportunity to participate in a costumed tour, where they creatively learned about the history and cultural landmarks of Nin. Such programs not only promote cultural heritage but also develop awareness of the importance of tourism for the local community.

In addition to students, tourists also joined the tours, taking the opportunity to participate in these special tours. This interactive experience allows visitors to learn about the history and culture of Nin in an engaging way while simultaneously contributing to the development of tourism in the town. Thus, World Tourism Day in Nin is not only an occasion for celebration but also for strengthening the tourist offer and promoting sustainable development.

This year, the town of Nin also focused on sustainable tourism, emphasizing the importance of preserving natural resources and cultural landmarks for future generations. Sustainability is a crucial factor in planning tourism strategies, and the local community in Nin demonstrates its commitment to this goal through various initiatives and educational programs.

In conclusion, World Tourism Day represents an important opportunity for local communities to promote peace, understanding, and friendship among people through tourism. Nin has shown through its program how tourism can be a key tool for preserving cultural identity and encouraging sustainable development, providing young people the chance to learn through experience and become ambassadors of their town.

Czas utworzenia: 29 września, 2024
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