Lika: a festival of walking through nature and history

Lika discovers natural beauties through the routes "Gacka" and "Tesla" at the sixth Croatian walking festival in Otočac and Gospić

The Croatian Walking Festival in Lika brings together walkers from all over the world, giving them the opportunity to explore the beautiful routes "Gacka" and "Tesla". Participants will enjoy nature, cultural sights and a rich entertainment program in the cities of Otočac and Gospić.

Lika discovers natural beauties through the routes "Gacka" and "Tesla" at the sixth Croatian walking festival in Otočac and Gospić
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Lika is preparing for the sixth edition of the Croatian Walking Festival, an event that brings together walking enthusiasts from around the world. This festival, known for its beautiful routes and friendly atmosphere, will be held on August 31 in Otočac and September 1 in Gospić. Placed on the calendar of the International March League (IML), the festival has become a must-attend event for many passionate walkers.

Popularity of the festival and international reputation
The Croatian Walking Festival has established Lika as one of the favorite destinations for those who appreciate a combination of natural beauty and recreational activities. The largest groups of participants come from countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, and Taiwan, and more and more local walkers are joining this increasingly popular event. The festival is under the patronage of the IML, which further ensures its international reputation and appeal.

Impact on tourism and the economy of Lika
According to Ivan Radošević, director of the Lika-Senj County Tourist Board, an increase in attendance is expected. Every year, more and more visitors decide to explore Lika after participating in the festival, which positively impacts local tourism and the economy. Radošević emphasizes that the festival is an excellent opportunity to promote the region and its natural and cultural riches.

Attractive "Gacka" and "Tesla" routes
Participants will be able to enjoy two main routes: "Gacka" in Otočac and "Tesla" in Gospić. The routes are designed to showcase the beauty of the Gacka River, one of the cleanest rivers in Europe, and the birthplace of the famous innovator Nikola Tesla. The two-day walk allows visitors to explore the natural beauty and cultural landmarks of Lika with fresh air and a beautiful landscape.

The routes are adapted to all fitness levels, with options of 10+, 20+, and 30+ kilometers. On the first day in Otočac, participants can choose between different trail lengths, while the second day in Gospić offers a completely different experience with a visit to Tesla's birthplace.

Additional content and activities
In addition to walking, the festival offers a rich entertainment program in both host cities. Visitors can enjoy musical performances and taste local gastronomic specialties. The organizers have provided transportation between Otočac and Gospić, allowing participants to fully enjoy the festival without worrying about logistics.

Health and recreation come first
Mile Milković, secretary of the Croatian Walking Festival, points out that this event is a perfect opportunity to promote a healthy lifestyle. The festival's motto, “For every minute you spend walking, you can extend your life by one and a half to two minutes,” is an invitation to all citizens to join and improve their health while enjoying the natural beauty.

Invitation to participate
We invite all interested parties to join this special event in Otočac and Gospić. By walking the "Tesla" and "Gacka" trails, participants will have the opportunity to explore the natural and cultural beauty of Lika, make new friendships, and create unforgettable memories. Don't miss the chance to participate in the Croatian Walking Festival and experience Lika in a special way!

Registrations are open, and all additional information is available through the following link: registrations.

The festival is organized by the Croatian Walking Association in cooperation with the Lika-Senj County Tourist Board and Lika travel d.o.o. This event represents a unique opportunity to promote healthy living and recreation while highlighting the region's rich cultural and natural heritage.


Czas utworzenia: 07 sierpnia, 2024

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