Škanj sa štorijon: a unique blend of culture and tourism in the heart of Istria

The "Škanj sa štorijon" project connects nature, history and legends into a unique experience that brings central Istria to life through innovative story benches.

Škanj sa štorijon: a unique blend of culture and tourism in the heart of Istria
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

In the heart of Istria, where rich history and vivid legends meet, the project "Škanj sa štorijon" brings a unique tourist attraction that combines relaxation with a cultural experience. These unique benches, shaped like open books, are placed at carefully selected locations, telling stories and legends related to the places where they are located.

First Bench: The Legend of Jure Grand in Tinjan

In Tinjan, near the Parish Table, the first bench is set up, bringing to life the legend of Jure Grand, known as the first European vampire from the nearby Kringa. This centuries-old story fascinates visitors and encourages them to explore local legends.

Second Bench: The Tale of Childless Women in Gračišće

The second bench is located in Gračišće, at the beginning of the St. Simon's Path. It carries the tale of women who, on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, nailed nails into the wall of the small church of St. Mary in Placa, believing that this would help them in achieving motherhood. This tradition reflects the deep faith and customs of the local community.

About the "Škanj sa štorijon" Project

The "Škanj sa štorijon" project was initiated by the Central Istria Tourist Board with the aim of preserving and promoting local legends and raising awareness about the cultural peculiarities of this area. In May of this year, the Croatian National Tourist Board awarded €18,610.00 from the Fund for Undeveloped Tourist Areas, which enabled the realization of this innovative project.

The creative realization of the project is signed by Studio Tumpić/Prenc, a renowned marketing agency known for its award-winning solutions. They designed the benches, adapted them to specific locations, and processed the texts of the legends to make them accessible and interesting to visitors.

Tourist Offer of Central Istria

Central Istria offers a rich tourist offer that includes visits to medieval towns, exploring natural beauties, and participating in various events. Places such as Pićan, known as the "city of legends", provide visitors with insight into the rich cultural heritage and tradition of this region.

Preservation of Local Legends

The preservation of local legends is of great importance for the identity of central Istria. Projects like "Škanj sa štorijon" contribute to the preservation and promotion of these stories, allowing visitors to get acquainted with the rich history and tradition of this area.

The "Škanj sa štorijon" project represents a significant contribution to the tourist offer of central Istria, combining cultural heritage with a modern approach to presentation. Such projects contribute to the preservation of local stories and legends, while simultaneously enriching the visitor experience and strengthening the identity of the destination.

Czas utworzenia: 12 grudnia, 2024
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