Fun events in central Istria with movie nights and walks

Fun events in central Istria: the end of August with a rich program and the beginning of September with active tourism

In central Istria, the end of August brings a series of events, from free walks and movie evenings under the stars to events such as "Gušti Lovreč" and the celebration of 100 years of Pasaretta, continuing in September with attractive programs.

Fun events in central Istria: the end of August with a rich program and the beginning of September with active tourism
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The Tourist Board of Central Istria has prepared a rich program of activities and events to mark the end of August and the beginning of September. Despite the fact that summer is coming to an end, this part of Istria still offers plenty of interesting options for all visitors and local residents.

For those who want to get to know Central Istria better, there is the possibility of participating in free tours known as "Central Istria free walk tour". These tours, which take place from Monday to Thursday until September 15, allow visitors to explore the historical and cultural treasures of Pićan, Gračišće, Pazin, Sveti Petar u Šumi, Tinjan, and Sveti Lovreč. Each tour focuses on a different destination, providing a deeper insight into the local history and traditions.

Film screenings under the stars
Open-air film nights are also an integral part of this year's program. In Boljun, on August 27, the film "Northern Comfort" will be shown, while on August 28, the audience in Tinjan will have the opportunity to enjoy the screening of the film "Fearless Nose". This series concludes on August 30 in Karojba with the film "Badman". These screenings offer a unique experience of watching movies under the starry sky, creating a special atmosphere that attracts film lovers from all over the region.

Gastro event Gušti Lovreča
One of the standout events in August is the "Gušti Lovreča" event, which brings together local producers and visitors interested in authentic Istrian products. The final event of the year will take place on August 29, starting at 7:00 PM, where visitors will be able to enjoy wine tasting, brandies, olive oil, cheeses, and other delicacies. This evening will be complemented by a concert by the 2BMB band, a cornhole tournament, and a large raffle, ensuring entertainment for even the most demanding visitors.

Active walks through nature
For those who prefer an active holiday, the Tourist Board of Central Istria is organizing a free walk through the natural beauty of the municipality of Lupoglav. The walk, scheduled for September 1, starts at 9:00 AM, and participants will have the opportunity to walk the 12-kilometer-long Mahrenfells – Lupogliano trail. This trail leads through spectacular landscapes, and the walk lasts approximately four hours. Due to the limited number of participants, early reservations are recommended via email or phone.

Events in September
September brings new events and opportunities to enjoy Central Istria. The Latino Party, which will be held on September 5 in Sveti Petar u Šumi, will start with a short bachata workshop, followed by a dance evening filled with the rhythms of Latin music. This event offers an opportunity to relax and enjoy dance moves while summer evenings still provide a pleasant temperature.

The summer night fair "With Sausage in the EU" will be held on September 6 and 7, promoting the tradition of Croatian sausage products. During the day, visitors will be able to taste various specialties, while the evening program will include performances by the Etaloni band, the Nevera klapa, Opća opasnost, and the Remix band. This event attracts visitors from all over Croatia and beyond, offering a unique combination of gastronomic delights and entertainment.

Celebration of 100 years of Pašareta
A special event in September is the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the famous Pašareta drink, which will be held on September 7. The celebration program includes performances by well-known artists such as Iva Gortan, Mateo Pilat, and Robert Meister, and the highlight of the evening will be a concert by the popular Gustafi. Visitors can expect surprises that will complement this jubilee celebration.

Walk to the Sopot Waterfall
For nature lovers and hiking enthusiasts, September 8 is reserved for the "Sopot Sope" event. This walk, which leads to the impressive Sopot waterfall, also includes enjoying the offerings of local producers and concerts in a natural setting. The program begins at 7:00 PM, featuring a musical performance by Robert Mikuljan, and ends with a concert by the Ethno group Šćike at 8:00 PM.

For more information on events, as well as the latest news, visit the official website of the Tourist Board of Central Istria:

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Czas utworzenia: 27 sierpnia, 2024

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