The instructor team of the Special Forces Command trained snipers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia during intensive training in 2024.

The instructor team of the Special Forces Command conducted demanding sniper training during September and October 2024, training members of the Croatian Armed Forces for complex sniper tasks with high precision.

The instructor team of the Special Forces Command trained snipers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia during intensive training in 2024.
Photo by: MORH/ T. Brandt/ hr

The instructor team from the Special Forces Command conducted an extremely demanding sniper training for members of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia during September and October 2024. This intensive training aimed to enhance the participants' skills in handling sniper weaponry and prepare them for performing complex sniper tasks with high precision.

The training focused on achieving full understanding and mastery of techniques needed to neutralize opposing targets at greater distances, beyond the range of conventional infantry weapons. Participants used various types of sniper weapons currently in the OS RH arsenal, along with associated equipment, which provided a broader understanding of the capabilities and limitations of those weapons.

Before entering the training itself, candidates had to meet strict entry test criteria assessing their physical readiness, mental resilience, and basic knowledge related to sniper skills. Only those candidates who met all the conditions were given the opportunity to go through the entire training program.

The training began with a theoretical part, where participants learned about sniper tactics, the basics of ballistics, and the use of optical sights and other accessories that facilitate hitting targets. After that, practical exercises were carried out, including live shooting of stationary and moving targets at short, medium, and long distances. Shooting took place both in daytime conditions and in conditions of limited visibility, simulating realistic combat scenarios.

Throughout the duration of the training, participants were subjected to multiple selection tests to assess their level of competence. Any candidate who failed to meet the set criteria was excluded from further training, further emphasizing the seriousness and demanding nature of this program.

Through practical exercises, participants gained knowledge about proper cover selection, adapting to surroundings and shooting conditions, and team coordination. The training was not only focused on technical skills but also on psychological preparation, which is crucial for a sniper's success in real-life conditions. Participants learned how to control stress, maintain focus over extended periods, and make correct decisions under high-pressure moments.

Upon completion of the training, those participants who successfully overcame all challenges were awarded badges and certificates symbolizing their readiness to carry out sniper tasks. These badges represent not only a sign of successfully completing the demanding program but also the responsibility that each task carries where skills acquired during training will be used.

This type of training is crucial for raising the combat readiness and capabilities of the Armed Forces, especially in the field of special operations where precision and the ability to react quickly can be decisive for mission success. Instructors pointed out that the high level of motivation and dedication of participants was key to achieving top results.

With the expertise of the instructor team and the commitment of the participants, this training further strengthened the sniper capabilities of OS RH, ensuring that special forces members are ready to face the most demanding tasks that modern battlefields can present.

Heure de création: 05 octobre, 2024
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