Members of the 1st Armored Mechanized Battalion Falcons participated in the voluntary blood donation action in Našice

Members of the 1st Armored Mechanized Battalion Falcons from the barracks in Našice donated blood, confirming their humanitarian commitment and cooperation with the Red Cross Society of Našice and KBC Osijek

Members of the 1st Armored Mechanized Battalion Falcons participated in the voluntary blood donation action in Našice
Photo by: OSRH/ hr

Members of the 1st Armored Mechanized Battalion "Sokolovi" from the Croatian Army's Guard Armored Mechanized Brigade once again confirmed their commitment to humanitarian work. In the barracks of the "132nd Brigade of the Croatian Army" in Našice, a voluntary blood donation drive was held, with 107 members of this battalion participating, demonstrating that the military contributes not only to the defense of the country but also to the welfare of society through humanitarian activities. Their willingness to donate blood reflects a strong sense of responsibility and solidarity towards the community.

Collaboration with the Red Cross and medical institutions

The blood donation drive was organized in cooperation with the City Society of the Red Cross Našice and the Clinical Institute for Transfusion Medicine of the KBC Osijek. Thanks to this partnership, a professional and safe implementation of the blood donation process was ensured, guaranteeing that all donations are properly processed and distributed to those in greatest need. This action represents a continuation of the successful tradition of joint efforts between the armed forces and civil institutions, aimed at ensuring adequate blood supplies for emergency medical interventions.

Motivation of soldiers and the importance of blood donation

Members of the "Sokolovi" have been participating in humanitarian activities for years, and blood donation has become almost a regular part of their engagement. This activity is of great significance for the local community, as every blood donation can help save lives. The Croatian army often encourages its members to participate in such actions, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and togetherness. The action in Našice once again highlighted how every individual can contribute to the healthcare system, and the soldiers set an exceptional example of unity and humanity.

Social impact and long-term plans

The army's involvement in humanitarian actions is not just a one-time activity. Cooperation with the Red Cross is planned to continue in the future, with the aim of regular blood collection drives. The army thus contributes not only to the defense of the country but also to strengthening social cohesion and assisting the most vulnerable. Actions like this, besides ensuring the critically needed blood supplies, also raise awareness about the importance of voluntary blood donation among broader segments of society. New actions are planned, which will include a wider community, encouraging citizens to follow the military's example and join this noble cause.

Constant support for the local community

Members of the "Sokolovi" are not only soldiers but also active members of society who demonstrate through their actions that a small gesture, like blood donation, can have a significant impact on the lives of others. Through their ongoing activities and engagement, they continually strengthen the connection between the armed forces and the civilian population. This latest example from Našice shows that the army, in addition to its military tasks, remains permanently dedicated to supporting the local community, ensuring that aid is available to those who need it most.

Heure de création: 09 octobre, 2024
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